Simagic Pedals

7 products

  • Simagic P1000 Pedals

    Simagic Simagic P1000 Pedals

    10 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.

    Simagic P1000 Pedals to pedały zaprojektowane z myślą o simracerach, którzy oczekują pełnej kontroli nad swoim sprzętem. Wykonane w całości ze stopu aluminium, oferują czujnik loadcell oraz opcjonalny system hydrauliczny, zapewniające najwyższą precyzję. Niezależnie od tego, czy preferujesz długie skoki pedałów dla symulacji samochodów drogowych, czy krótkie i responsywne ustawienia dla wyścigów torowych, Simagic P1000 oferuje regulację skoku, rozstawu i siły nacisku. Z ponad 27 000 możliwości dostosowania, P1000 pozwala na precyzyjne dopasowanie ustawień do stylu jazdy każdego kierowcy. Co wyróżnia Simagic P1000 Pedals? Bezkonkurencyjna personalizacja Modułowa konstrukcja Simagic P1000 umożliwia 27 648 różnych konfiguracji, w tym regulację skoku pedału, wysokości i oporu. Niezależnie od tego, czy preferujesz jazdę samochodami drogowymi, czy profesjonalne symulacje wyścigowe, ta elastyczność pozwala na dostosowanie ustawień do własnych preferencji. Użytkownicy doceniają niezwykle szerokie możliwości regulacji, nawet w najdrobniejszych szczegółach. Czujniki loadcell i Hall Angle P1000 oferuje zarówno czujnik loadcell, jak i Hall Angle, co pozwala na dostosowanie konfiguracji w zależności od stylu jazdy. Ta podwójna technologia to ogromna zaleta dla użytkowników, którzy przełączają się między różnymi symulacjami – loadcell sprawdzi się w samochodach wyścigowych, a czujniki Hall zapewnią płynność dla aut drogowych. Opcjonalny system hydrauliczny Opcjonalny system P-HYS dodaje jeszcze większą realizm do siły hamowania, naśladując tłumienie i odbicie znane z prawdziwych samochodów. To dodatkowa warstwa immersji, szczególnie dla osób ceniących sobie precyzyjną kontrolę hamowania. Dzięki modułowej konstrukcji system można dodać później, co czyni te pedały gotowymi na przyszłe ulepszenia. Wytrzymała konstrukcja CNC z aluminium Wykonane z aluminium obrabianego CNC pedały P1000 są odporne na ponad 200 000 naciśnięć. Trwałość w połączeniu z solidną konstrukcją zapewnia, że pedały wytrzymają nawet najbardziej wymagające warunki. Opinie użytkowników potwierdzają ich niezawodność nawet podczas intensywnych sesji wyścigowych. Zalety i wady Zalety Wady Bardzo szeroka możliwość personalizacji – ponad 27 000 konfiguracji. System hydrauliczny sprzedawany osobno. Przełączanie między czujnikami loadcell i Hall. Początkowa konfiguracja może być skomplikowana dla początkujących. Wytrzymała aluminiowa konstrukcja CNC. Opcjonalna funkcja haptycznego sprzężenia zwrotnego. Specyfikacja Specyfikacja Wartość Materiał ramy Stop aluminium CNC Czujniki pedałów Loadcell (100 kg) & Hall Angle Rozdzielczość 12-bit (4096) Regulowane funkcje Skok, siła sprężyny, rozstaw, wysokość, opór, kąt nachylenia Opcjonalne dodatki System hydrauliczny, haptyczne sprzężenie zwrotne, gumowe nakładki Płytki pedałów Anodowany stop aluminium Wymiary 348 x 489.8 x 368.5 mm Waga 7.6 kg Połączenie USB (PC), baza Simagic (CAN-Bus) Kompatybilność Simagic P1000 Pedals Simagic P1000 Pedals można łatwo podłączyć przez USB, co czyni je w pełni kompatybilnymi z symulatorami wyścigowymi na PC, takimi jak iRacing, Assetto Corsa i rFactor 2. Pedały można również zintegrować z bazami Simagic za pomocą portu CAN-Bus. Jednak nie są one kompatybilne z konsolami takimi jak PlayStation czy Xbox, co sprawia, że najlepiej sprawdzają się w zestawach PC. Modułowa konstrukcja umożliwia ich łatwe montowanie w większości kokpitów wyścigowych i zestawów symulacyjnych, o ile są dostępne odpowiednie opcje montażowe. Pod względem kompatybilności z platformami gamingowymi, pedały P1000 współpracują w pełni z systemami PC i działają bezproblemowo z szeroką gamą symulatorów wyścigowych obsługujących sprzęt klasy premium. Choć sprawdzają się doskonale w systemach Windows, nie działają na konsolach, co ogranicza ich zastosowanie do kierowców koncentrujących się na symulacjach PC. Dzięki czujnikowi loadcell i opcjonalnemu systemowi hydraulicznemu oferują niezwykle realistyczne wrażenia z hamowania w grach, które wspierają dokładność siły nacisku i sprzężenia zwrotnego.

    10 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.

    €499,00 - €599,00

  • Last stock! Simagic P1000i Inverted Pedals

    Simagic Simagic P1000i Inverted Pedals

    5 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.

    Simagic P1000i Inverted pedały oferują realistyczne wrażenia pedałowania, stworzone z myślą o poważnych simracerach, którzy oczekują bardziej naturalnego odczucia jazdy. Zaprojektowane do driftu i precyzyjnego hamowania, P1000i łączą frezowane CNC aluminium z czujnikiem tensometrycznym 100 kg oraz wieloma opcjami personalizacji, co pozwala dostosować każdy detal – od kąta nachylenia po siłę kompresji. Unikalna konstrukcja eliminuje skomplikowany montaż, a połączona z oprogramowaniem Simagic SimPro Manager umożliwia stworzenie idealnej konfiguracji bez tracenia czasu na żmudne ustawienia. Co wyróżnia Simagic P1000i Inverted pedały? Modułowy, regulowany system hamulcowy System hamulca w P1000i pozwala na szeroką personalizację, obejmującą długość skoku i siłę nacisku. Użytkownicy mogą dostosować go do różnych stylów jazdy, wybierając spośród ośmiu gumowych podkładek, co zapewnia jedno z najbardziej spersonalizowanych doświadczeń hamowania dostępnych w zestawach simracingowych. Odwrócona konstrukcja dla realistycznego odczucia W przeciwieństwie do większości konfiguracji, te pedały mają odwróconą konstrukcję, co symuluje uczucie prowadzenia prawdziwego pojazdu, szczególnie doceniane przez miłośników driftu. Taka konfiguracja bardziej przypomina rozkład masy w samochodach drogowych, co czyni ją świetnym wyborem dla simracerów, którzy szukają realistycznych doznań. Regulowana pozycja i kąt pedałów P1000i pozwalają dostosować kąt, długość skoku oraz położenie boczne każdego pedału. Dla kierowców z określonymi potrzebami ergonomicznymi oznacza to możliwość idealnego dopasowania konfiguracji do ich postawy i ustawienia stóp, co poprawia kontrolę podczas długich sesji wyścigowych. Wszechstronne opcje czujników Użytkownicy mogą wybierać między czujnikiem tensometrycznym (load cell) lub czujnikiem Halla, w zależności od rodzaju jazdy, na której chcą się skupić. Czujnik tensometryczny jest idealny dla osób poszukujących większej siły hamowania, natomiast czujnik Halla sprawdza się w precyzyjnym sterowaniu, dzięki czemu konfiguracja jest bardzo elastyczna. Zalety i wady Zalety Wady Szeroka regulacja ustawień hamulca i pedałów. Odwrócona konstrukcja wymaga specjalnej przestrzeni montażowej. Wiele czujników do personalizacji reakcji pedałów. Brak kompatybilności z konsolami bez Sigma Cortex Trwała konstrukcja z frezowanego CNC aluminium. Cicha struktura łożysk w pedale sprzęgła. Specyfikacja Specyfikacja Wartość Typ produktu Odwrócony system pedałów Materiał ramy Stop aluminium frezowany CNC Czujnik tensometryczny hamulca 100 kg Regulacja skoku hamulca Tak Regulacja siły nacisku hamulca Tak Regulacja kąta pedałów Tak Regulacja bocznego położenia pedałów Tak Opcje konfiguracji pedałów 27 648 Materiał pedałów Anodowany stop aluminium Dołączone sprężyny 3 do sprzęgła Cicha struktura łożysk Tak Kompatybilność Simagic P1000i Inverted pedały Simagic P1000i Inverted pedały najlepiej integrują się z bazami kierownic Simagic i zestawami Simagic, zapewniając pełną funkcjonalność dzięki oprogramowaniu SimPro Manager, które pozwala na płynną regulację ustawień. Pedały łączą się bezpośrednio przez USB z komputerem PC, co umożliwia prostą instalację i kompatybilność z wiodącymi zestawami simracingowymi obsługującymi urządzenia USB. Jednak ich kompatybilność z konsolami jest ograniczona, co oznacza, że są przeznaczone wyłącznie do symulacji na PC – idealne dla entuzjastów simracingu, którzy chcą dostosować swoje stanowisko. Jeśli chodzi o kompatybilność z grami, pedały P1000i działają z szeroką gamą tytułów wyścigowych na PC, w tym Assetto Corsa, iRacing i rFactor 2, zapewniając regulowaną czułość i szeroką personalizację w tych symulatorach. Chociaż nie są kompatybilne z konsolami bez modułu Sigma Cortex, pedały oferują profesjonalne połączenie i niezawodną wydajność dla większości wiodących symulatorów wyścigowych na PC.

    5 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.


  • Last stock! Simagic P1000i-RS Hydraulic Pedals

    Simagic Simagic P1000i-RS Hydraulic Pedals

    5 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.

    The Simagic P1000i-RS Hydraulic Inverted Pedals offer an incredibly refined design for sim racers, focusing on modularity and advanced hydraulics. Built with a CNC-machined aluminum frame, the P1000i-RS pairs robust durability with the adaptability sim racers crave. It’s equipped with a P-HYS hydraulic brake system and the optional P-HPR Haptic Pedal Reactor for an authentic vehicle feedback experience, while easy angle, travel, and strength adjustments allow a personalized setup tailored to the racer's needs—all within a sleek, inverted pedal package. What sets the Simagic P1000i-RS Hydraulic Inverted Pedals apart? Hydraulic Brake System with Adjustable Damping The P-HYS hydraulic brake system delivers fluid resistance that closely mimics real-world braking, providing a more natural deceleration feel. Combined with adjustable damping and rebound, this pedal set offers a level of control not found in simpler mechanical setups, enhancing the simulation experience for dedicated sim racers. Optional Haptic Feedback Motor The P1000i-RS offers the unique option of the P-HPR Haptic Pedal Reactor, a feature that adds tactile feedback tuned to in-game telemetry. This gives drivers a more tactile connection with the virtual road, enabling adjustments to vibration frequency and amplitude that simulate vehicle dynamics, making for a highly engaging experience. Quick Installation and Modular Adjustability These pedals come with a modular installation plate and wiring box that simplify mounting and profile setup, a convenience not typically seen in comparable pedal systems. With the pedal angle, travel, and even lateral spacing all customizable, it’s easy to adjust for comfort and fit, enhancing both performance and ease of use. Durable CNC Aluminum Construction The all-aluminum structure, meticulously crafted through CNC machining, has been tested to withstand over 200,000 stomps without structural issues. This robust construction ensures the pedals hold up under high-use conditions, making them a favorite for racers looking for a setup that lasts. Pros and Cons Pros Cons Hydraulic brake system with adjustable damping. Not console compatible. Optional haptic feedback for immersive experience. Relatively high price for the set. Modular, simplified installation process. May require additional mounting hardware. Durable aluminum construction for longevity. Heavy unit, may need solid rig setup. Specifications Specification Value Model Simagic P1000i-RS Hydraulic Inverted Pedals Package Dimensions 35.00cm x 50.00cm x 38.00cm Weight 7.60kg Resolution 12Bits (4096) USB Connection PC, Simagic Wheelbase (Can-Bus Port) Hydraulic Brake Cylinder Included Haptic Pedal Reactor Supported (optional) Adjustable Travel Supported Adjustable Spring Force Level Supported Angle/Position Adjustment Supported Pedal Plates Anodized Aluminum Alloy Pedal Control Box Included Building Material CNC Aluminum Alloy Dimensions 348 x 489.8 x 368.5mm Simagic P1000i-RS Hydraulic Inverted Pedals Compatibility The Simagic P1000i-RS Hydraulic Inverted Pedals are fully compatible with PC setups, connecting directly via USB or through the Simagic wheelbase. These pedals also pair well with Simagic’s own line of wheelbases and mounts, ensuring ease of integration for those using Simagic gear. Notably, this pedal system is designed with PC platforms in mind, meaning it does not support console setups, focusing instead on the flexibility that PC gaming offers. In terms of gaming titles, these pedals perform exceptionally well with popular PC racing sims like Assetto Corsa, iRacing, and rFactor 2. With Simagic's software allowing for adjustments to brake force, pedal travel, and telemetry-based haptics, they are tuned to enhance each game’s feedback. Console users may be disappointed by the lack of compatibility, as these pedals are specifically built with the PC sim racer in mind.

    5 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.


  • Last stock! Simagic P2000-S100 Pedals

    Simagic Simagic P2000-S100 Pedals

    5 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.

    The Simagic P2000-S100 Pedals are designed for sim racers who want the feel of hydraulic power at their feet. Constructed from CNC machined aluminum, this pedal set integrates a load cell sensor and custom hydraulic brake system rated up to 200 kg, putting real muscle into braking. With fine-tuning options on pedal angle, position, and even clutch friction, the P2000-S100 offers control over every detail, giving serious racers a setup that pushes driving consistency to a whole new level. What sets the Simagic P2000-S100 Pedals apart? Custom Hydraulic Brake System Equipped with a fully hydraulic brake, the P2000-S100 mirrors real car brake resistance, pushing up to 200 kg with customizable stiffness. This brake design, alongside a load cell sensor, gives racers powerful, reliable braking feedback, ideal for those demanding accuracy and feel under braking pressure. Durable CNC Machined Aluminum Build Every component on the P2000-S100 is CNC machined from aluminum, giving it a rugged construction that sim racers often seek for durability. This design not only withstands heavy use but also minimizes flexing, allowing for more consistent pedal feedback over time—a huge plus for competitive racers. Extensive Adjustment and Customization Options Adjustability is key with the P2000-S100, which offers pedal height, angle, and stiffness adjustments for a custom setup that suits any racer’s preference. The clutch system’s Belleville spring stack simulates a clutch friction point, adding an additional layer of realism often missing from pedal systems. Plug-and-Play USB Compatibility No complex setups here—the P2000-S100 is ready to go right out of the box with simple USB plug-and-play functionality, which works seamlessly with Simagic’s configuration software. It’s made with PC users in mind, eliminating compatibility issues and making setup straightforward for any PC-based sim racer. Pros and Cons Pros Cons Hydraulic brake with customizable stiffness. May require additional mounting hardware. Durable CNC machined aluminum construction. Heavy unit, requires stable mounting. Adjustable clutch friction point simulation. Plug-and-play setup with Simagic software. Specifications Specification Value Model Simagic P2000-S100 3 Pedals Package Dimensions 47.00cm x 40.00cm x 20.00cm Weight 9.00kg Hydraulic System Hydraulic brake with adjustable clutch Brake Pressure 200 kg (adjustable) Pedal Position/Angle Adjustment Supported Material CNC machined aluminum Connection Type USB, plug-and-play Load Cell 100 kg (200 kg optional) Included Accessories Hard/soft spring kit, base plate Platform Compatibility PC only Simagic P2000-S100 Pedals Compatibility The Simagic P2000-S100 Pedals are fully compatible with PC platforms via USB and are designed specifically for PC-based sim racing setups. These pedals plug and play easily with Simagic’s configuration software, allowing for a straightforward connection. While ideal for those using PC-based rigs, the P2000-S100 does not support console setups, which keeps it focused solely on the PC sim racing community. For in-game compatibility, these pedals are versatile across popular PC racing titles like Assetto Corsa Competizione, iRacing, and rFactor 2. With Simagic’s software, racers can adjust force levels, brake pressure, and even clutch friction points. Console racers, however, may be disappointed as these pedals are crafted with PC racers in mind, leaving consoles unsupported.

    5 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.


  • Last stock! Simagic P2000-S100RF Pedals

    Simagic Simagic P2000-S100RF Pedals

    5 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.

    The Simagic P2000-S100RF Pedals bring a focused two-pedal setup that packs serious technology and tactile feedback. Built with CNC machined aluminum and incorporating a hydraulic master and slave cylinder, these pedals offer a unique edge with a load cell rated to 100 kg, upgradeable to 200 kg for even more control. With adjustability in position and angle, and an exceptionally durable build, the P2000-S100RF pedals give drivers a braking experience designed to perform lap after lap without losing their edge. What sets the Simagic P2000-S100RF Pedals apart? Hydraulic Brake System with High Load Capacity The hydraulic brake setup on the P2000-S100RF provides a brake force adjustable up to 200 kg, replicating high-force braking systems seen in racing setups. This setup supports racers who want fine-tuned control under pressure and need a brake pedal that can meet the demands of intense sim sessions. Rigidity of CNC Machined Aluminum Construction Designed from CNC machined aluminum, the P2000-S100RF pedals boast structural stability that stands up to heavy footwork and doesn’t flex under pressure. This rigid construction means drivers get a consistent feedback feel that holds up over extended use—essential for racers focusing on performance consistency. Load Cell for Precise Input The load cell integrated into these pedals offers fine-grain braking control, letting drivers make micro-adjustments that reflect instantly in their simulator. This type of sensor setup provides more nuanced braking feedback, helping racers shave down times with a setup that rewards controlled, precise input. Plug-and-Play USB Setup No complicated configuration here—the P2000-S100RF pedals are ready to go right out of the box with straightforward USB connectivity. With a setup built for the Simagic software suite, these pedals eliminate the usual driver complications and allow for hassle-free, configurable sim racing. Pros and Cons Pros Cons Durable CNC aluminum construction. Not compatible with console setups without the Sigma Cortex Adjustable brake load up to 200 kg. Higher-end price point. Plug-and-play USB connection. No dedicated clutch pedal. Includes base plate for stability. Specifications Specification Value Model Simagic P2000-S100RF 2 Pedals Package Dimensions 47.00cm x 40.00cm x 20.00cm Weight 7.00kg Brake Pressure 200 kg (adjustable) Load Cell 100 kg (200 kg optional) Material CNC machined aluminum Connection Type USB, plug-and-play Base Plate Included Platform Compatibility PC only Simagic P2000-S100RF Pedals Compatibility The Simagic P2000-S100RF Pedals are designed specifically for PC platforms and connect via USB, offering straightforward plug-and-play capability. With USB functionality and Simagic’s configuration software, these pedals are ready to work with most PC-based sim racing rigs right out of the box. However, the P2000-S100RF lacks compatibility with console systems, as it’s focused solely on providing an optimized experience for PC racers. In terms of in-game compatibility, these pedals are ideal for widely-used PC sim titles like Assetto Corsa Competizione, iRacing, and rFactor 2. Integrated with Simagic’s software, drivers have access to easy-to-use adjustment options for force and load levels. Gamers who primarily race on consoles, however, will find these pedals unsupported on console games, keeping the P2000-S100RF focused solely on PC-based racing setups. With the Sigma Cortex you can convert the pedals to PS5.

    5 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.


  • Last stock! Simagic P2000-S200 Pedals

    Simagic Simagic P2000-S200 Pedals

    5 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.

    The Simagic P2000-S200 Pedals are built to give sim racers a level of control that truly stands out. Engineered with hydraulic clutch and brake systems, this three-pedal setup brings remarkable balance to throttle, brake, and clutch input. Designed with CNC-machined aluminum for structural integrity and equipped with a 200 kg load cell for the brake, these pedals handle high-stress racing sessions while providing a precise, reliable feel underfoot. With thoughtful adjustability in pedal angle and position, they give drivers a pedalboard that’s as adaptable as it is durable. What sets the Simagic P2000-S200 Pedals apart? Hydraulic Clutch with Friction Point Simulation One of the most unique elements of the P2000-S200 pedals is the hydraulic clutch that includes a friction point simulation using a Belleville spring stack. This gives drivers a defined, consistent clutch bite point, adding realism and allowing for smoother gear transitions and a more accurate feel in tight race conditions. Adjustable Load Cell with High Brake Pressure The P2000-S200 pedals feature a 200 kg-rated load cell for the brake pedal, which supports high-force braking without pedal fade. This setup is perfect for racers who want to fine-tune their brake force levels to match the demands of their setup, giving an experience that closely replicates real-life brake pressure dynamics. Customizable Pedal Position and Angle These pedals come with flexibility in positioning and angle, giving drivers the freedom to adjust each pedal for a tailored fit. Whether set up for a road or rally position, this adjustability gives sim racers the chance to create a layout that complements their specific racing needs and preferences. Built for Heavier Use and Durability Constructed from CNC-machined aluminum, the P2000-S200 pedals hold up to aggressive usage with minimal wear. This solid construction makes them a long-term choice for racers who need equipment that can endure frequent and intense use without compromising on the pedal’s feedback or feel. Pros and Cons Pros Cons Includes hydraulic clutch with friction point simulation. Priced at a premium level. Highly adjustable pedal positioning and angles. PC-only compatibility. 200 kg load cell supports high brake pressure. Does not support console platforms. Durable, CNC-machined aluminum build. Heavy design may require extra mounting. Specifications Specification Value Model Simagic P2000-S200 3 Pedals Package Dimensions 47.00cm x 40.00cm x 20.00cm Weight 9.00kg Brake Pressure 200 kg (adjustable) Load Cell 200 kg Material CNC machined aluminum Clutch Friction Point Belleville spring stack simulation Connection Type USB, plug-and-play Base Plate Included Platform Compatibility PC only Simagic P2000-S200 Pedals Compatibility The Simagic P2000-S200 Pedals are built specifically for PC platforms, connecting through a plug-and-play USB setup, so sim racers get an easy and fast configuration on PC rigs. Integrated with Simagic’s configuration software, these pedals offer extensive options for customizing feedback and force settings, which allows them to fit well with a variety of setups. However, these pedals are not compatible with console setups, so they’re geared entirely toward PC racers. In terms of in-game compatibility, the P2000-S200 pedals work exceptionally well with popular PC-based sim titles like Assetto Corsa Competizione, iRacing, and rFactor 2. Through the Simagic software, drivers can fine-tune settings to match the specific physics engine of each title, which is crucial for sim racers who need precise pedal tuning. Console users, though, should note these pedals aren’t supported on any console platforms, making them optimal for PC use only.

    5 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.


  • Simagic P500 Pedals

    Simagic Simagic P500 Pedals

    Out of stock, Pre-Orders Available. Shipped in 2-2.5 weeks from now.

    The Simagic P500 Pedals offer a balance of ruggedness and technical finesse, designed to give sim racers the customization options they crave. Built from die-cast aluminum alloy and equipped with a dual-sensor system featuring a 100 kg load cell and Hall angle sensors, these pedals provide a stable, consistent feel that mimics real-world braking. With adjustable pedal plates and a quick-change resistance system, they suit a range of setups and driving styles, making these pedals an intriguing choice for serious sim racers looking for something versatile. What sets the Simagic P500 Pedals apart? Advanced Dual-Sensor System The P500’s unique dual-sensor system combines a 100 kg load cell and Hall sensors for both brake and throttle, giving a refined balance of resistance and control. This setup offers a distinct “dual-mode” braking experience, simulating the smoothness of street cars while allowing for the direct feel of race car braking in shorter presses. Fully Customizable Resistance and Pedal Setup The P500 pedals include a spring and elastomer set with different hardness levels, allowing racers to adjust pedal resistance to their preference easily. With the quick-change mechanism, you can swap springs and elastomers quickly, creating the perfect feel for each race type and making it easy to switch setups as needed. Ergonomic Adjustability for Comfort Designed for comfort even during long sessions, these pedals allow lateral movement and angle adjustment of each pedal plate, ensuring each driver finds the optimal ergonomic position. This flexibility supports various driving styles and foot sizes, accommodating everything from casual sim racing to intense competitive stints with ease. Optional Vibration Module for Added Feedback The P500 pedals offer compatibility with Simagic’s optional P-HPR and P-HPR Neo vibration modules, providing an extra layer of feedback with force replication across multiple frequencies. This option enhances the pedal experience by allowing racers to fine-tune vibrations, giving more feedback from the pedals and allowing for more precise control on turns, straights, and during braking. Pros and Cons Pros Cons Dual-sensor system improves braking feedback and control. Quick-change parts may require extra maintenance. Adjustable pedal positioning for ergonomic comfort. Heavier than other pedal models. Includes multiple springs and elastomers for resistance options. Optional vibration modules enhance feedback. Specifications Specification Value Model Simagic P500 Box Weight 6.00 kg Package Dimensions 35.00 cm x 50.00 cm x 30.00 cm Load Cell Capacity 100 kg Material Die-cast aluminum alloy Sensors Hall angle sensor on throttle and clutch Adjustable Pedals Adjustable pedal plates with quick-change resistance Optional Vibration Modules P-HPR and P-HPR Neo compatible Simagic P500 Pedals Compatibility The Simagic P500 Pedals are designed with PC compatibility, connecting through a USB plug-and-play system for an easy setup. With full support through Simagic’s configuration software, these pedals allow detailed adjustment of both braking and throttle response, perfect for tailoring them to specific racing setups. However, these pedals are not compatible with console platforms, so their capabilities are fully focused on PC simulation. For game compatibility, the P500 pedals work seamlessly with popular sim racing titles on PC, such as Assetto Corsa, iRacing, and RaceRoom Racing Experience. The Simagic software allows these pedals to interact well with various racing engines, giving sim racers the precision they need to adapt settings to each game. Console users should note that these pedals are PC-exclusive, meaning they’re best suited for a dedicated PC sim racing setup.

    Out of stock, Pre-Orders Available. Shipped in 2-2.5 weeks from now.

    €199,00 - €249,00

Simagic Pedals for Sale at SimRacerZone

As Europe's leading sim racing equipment provider, SimRacerZone offers the complete range of Simagic pedals, engineered to deliver unprecedented realism and precision for serious sim racers. These hydraulic and load cell-based pedals represent the pinnacle of sim racing technology, providing authentic feedback and control.

The Simagic Pedal Advantage

Simagic has revolutionized sim racing pedal technology by incorporating real motorsport engineering principles. Each pedal set is crafted to replicate the exact feel and response of high-performance race cars, ensuring that muscle memory developed in simulation translates directly to real-world racing experience.

Available Simagic Pedal Sets

Simagic P2000 Pedals

The flagship P2000 represents Simagic's ultimate pedal system, featuring:

  • Genuine hydraulic brake system with adjustable pressure
  • Load cell technology for precise brake modulation
  • CNC machined aluminum construction throughout
  • Individual pedal angle adjustment
  • Customizable pedal face positions
  • Advanced electronics for minimal input lag
  • Multi-stage brake feel adjustment
  • Independent clutch damping system

There are different variants of the P2000 available, such as the S100, S100RF, and S200 pedals.

Simagic P1000 Pedals

The P1000 offers professional-grade performance in a more compact package:

  • Load cell brake with 100kg load capacity
  • Hall effect sensors for throttle and clutch
  • Aircraft-grade aluminum construction
  • Adjustable pedal spacing
  • Custom damping system
  • Vibration-resistant electronics
  • Multiple mounting options
  • Precision potentiometers

There are different variants of the P1000 available, such as the inverted pedals or the hydraulic pedals.

Technical Excellence

Simagic pedals incorporate several advanced engineering features that set them apart:

  1. Precision sensors: the implementation of automotive-grade sensors ensures consistent accuracy throughout the pedal's travel range, providing reliable input detection even in endurance racing scenarios.
  2. Material quality: using aerospace-grade aluminum and steel components, Simagic pedals maintain their precision and feel even under intense racing conditions.
  3. Customization options: every aspect of the pedal set can be fine-tuned to match your driving style, from pedal force to travel distance and initial bite point.

Software Integration

Simagic pedals offer seamless compatibility with all major sim racing titles:

  • iRacing
  • Assetto Corsa
  • Assetto Corsa Competizione
  • rFactor 2
  • Automobilista 2
  • RaceRoom Racing Experience

The included Simagic software allows for detailed calibration and customization of pedal response curves, dead zones, and force requirements.

Installation Flexibility

Simagic pedals are designed for versatile mounting solutions. The rigid base plate features pre-drilled mounting points compatible with most sim racing cockpits. The adjustable pedal plates allow for optimal positioning, ensuring comfortable operation during extended racing sessions.

Performance Longevity

Engineering excellence shows in every aspect of Simagic pedals' construction. The sealed mechanisms and high-grade materials ensure consistent performance over time, while the modular design allows for easy access when adjustments are desired. Regular use actually enhances the pedal feel as the mechanical components settle into optimal operating condition.

Professional Certification

Each Simagic pedal set undergoes rigorous testing and calibration before leaving the factory. At SimRacerZone, we perform additional quality checks to ensure every unit meets professional racing standards. These pedals are trusted by professional sim racers and racing schools worldwide for their consistency and durability.

Ready to Transform Your Sim Racing Experience?

Visit SimRacerZone today to explore our complete range of Simagic pedals and accessories. Our expert team is ready to help you select the perfect pedal set for your sim racing setup. With fast European shipping, secure payment options, and professional customer service, we make upgrading your sim racing equipment effortless. Join the community of satisfied SimRacerZone customers who demand the best in sim racing equipment.


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