GT Steering Wheels

23 products

  • Last stock! Simagic GT Neo

    Simagic Simagic GT Neo

    3 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.

    Simagic GT Neo to kierownica o eleganckim designie i zaawansowanej funkcjonalności, idealnie pasująca do każdego zestawu simracingowego. Dzięki średnicy 300 mm i lekkiej konstrukcji ważącej zaledwie 1 kg zapewnia komfort oraz pełną kontrolę podczas rywalizacji. Wyposażona w 10 konfigurowalnych przycisków RGB, zaawansowane łopatki oraz system podwójnego sprzęgła, Simagic GT Neo jest nie tylko wszechstronna, ale także niezwykle responsywna. Powierzchnia wzmacniana włóknem węglowym gwarantuje wytrzymałość podczas najbardziej wymagających wyścigów, co czyni ją świetnym wyborem dla kierowców chcących przekraczać własne granice. Co wyróżnia Simagic GT Neo? Lekka, a zarazem wytrzymała konstrukcja Ważąca zaledwie 1,1 kg, GT Neo jest lżejsza niż wiele kierownic w tej kategorii, jednak jej niska waga nie oznacza mniejszej trwałości. Dzięki powierzchni z kompozytu włókna węglowego formowanego wtryskowo pozostaje stabilna nawet podczas najbardziej intensywnych sesji, oferując trwałość bez utraty zwrotności. To idealne rozwiązanie dla kierowców szukających precyzyjnego i szybkiego sterowania bez dodatkowego obciążenia. Zaawansowane łopatki i system sprzęgła GT Neo wyposażona jest w magnetyczne łopatki zapewniające szybkie, ciche zmiany biegów oraz system podwójnego sprzęgła o lekkim oporze sprężyny. To połączenie daje pełną kontrolę nad startem i zmianą przełożeń bez irytujących kliknięć czy nadmiernego oporu, jakie można znaleźć w mniej dopracowanych modelach. Jest to szczególnie korzystne dla tych, którzy potrzebują płynnych i niezawodnych zmian biegów pod presją. Konfigurowalne przyciski RGB 10 podświetlanych przycisków RGB w GT Neo to nie tylko estetyczny dodatek – są w pełni programowalne, dzięki czemu możesz dostosować ich funkcjonalność do własnego stylu jazdy. Ten poziom personalizacji jest rzadko spotykany w tej kategorii cenowej i pozwala na pełną kontrolę nad ustawieniami bez potrzeby dodatkowych akcesoriów. Idealna do ekosystemu Simagic Pełna kompatybilność z innymi produktami Simagic oznacza, że kierownicę można łatwo zintegrować z istniejącym zestawem. Niezależnie od tego, czy używasz baz Simagic, czy opcjonalnego systemu MagLink, GT Neo oferuje bezproblemowe połączenie, co czyni ją doskonałym wyborem dla obecnych użytkowników Simagic. Cały sprzęt działa płynnie i bez potrzeby stosowania adapterów firm trzecich. Zalety i wady Zalety Wady Lekka, ale wytrzymała konstrukcja z kompozytu węglowego. Kompatybilność tylko z bazami Simagic. 10 konfigurowalnych przycisków RGB zapewniających pełną personalizację. Brak kompatybilności z konsolami, tylko PC. Zaawansowane magnetyczne łopatki zapewniające szybkie, ciche zmiany biegów. Podwójne sprzęgło z regulowanym oporem sprężyny. Specyfikacja Specyfikacja Wartość Marka Simagic Model GT Neo Średnica 300 mm (30 cm) Waga netto 1100 g (bez QR) Materiał Kompozyty wzmacniane włóknem węglowym Konfigurowalne przyciski RGB 10 Enkodery obrotowe 4 Enkodery kciukowe 2 Moduły łopatek Magnetyczne Szybkozłączka SIMAGIC QR50 Akcesoria w zestawie Pęseta, klucz sześciokątny, przewód łączący, naklejki Gwarancja 2 lata Kompatybilność Simagic GT Neo Simagic GT Neo jest w pełni kompatybilna z wszystkimi bazami Simagic, co czyni ją idealnym wyborem dla użytkowników tego ekosystemu. System SIMAGIC QR50 pozwala na szybki montaż i demontaż, a połączenie z opcjonalnym systemem MagLink ułatwia integrację dodatkowych akcesoriów. Niestety, kierownica nie jest kompatybilna z bazami firm trzecich, takimi jak inne bazy Direct Drive, co może stanowić ograniczenie dla użytkowników szukających większej elastyczności. Pod względem platform gamingowych, GT Neo jest przeznaczona dla użytkowników PC i nie współpracuje z konsolami, takimi jak PlayStation czy Xbox. Sprawdza się doskonale w popularnych symulatorach wyścigowych na PC, takich jak iRacing, Assetto Corsa i rFactor 2. Gracze konsolowi będą musieli poszukać innej opcji, ale dla entuzjastów simracingu na PC GT Neo to idealny wybór.

    3 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.


  • cube controls mercedes amg gt wheel for sale on Simracerzone

    Cube Controls Mercedes-AMG – GT Edition Sim Racing Wheel

    Out of stock, Pre-Orders Available. Shipped in 2-2.5 weeks from now.

    The Mercedes-AMG-GT Edition Sim Racing Wheel is a remarkable blend of motorsport heritage and high-tech engineering, designed for those who crave the thrill of racing at home. With motorsport-grade paddle shifters and ergonomics that mirror the GT Track Series and GT2 cars, this wheel delivers an experience that feels straight from the racetrack. Crafted in collaboration with Mercedes-AMG, it boasts premium materials, customizable RGB lighting, and dual USB and Bluetooth connectivity, making every lap as close as you can get to the real thing. What sets the Mercedes-AMG-GT Edition Sim Racing Wheel apart? Motorsport-Grade Paddle Shifters The same paddle shifters used in Mercedes-AMG GT2 cars are featured on this wheel, ensuring every gear change feels incredibly tactile and direct. These paddles offer that satisfying, clicky response you’d expect from a true racing machine, adding to the overall control and enjoyment in every session. Ergonomics Tailored for Endurance With a grip design inspired by the GT Track Series and GT2 cars, the wheel is crafted for long stints of intense racing. The thickness and layout ensure that even during extended sessions, your hands remain comfortable and secure. This is a wheel that understands the physical demands of sim racing. Dual Mode Connectivity The ability to connect via both USB and Bluetooth gives you more flexibility for your setup. Whether you're looking for the dependability of a wired connection or the freedom of wireless play, this wheel has you covered. Plus, the Q-CONN magnetic cable system ensures seamless reconnection without fumbling mid-race. Customizable RGB Buttons and Encoders Personalization is key for serious racers, and the fully customizable RGB backlit buttons and encoders make this wheel stand out. You can configure your controls not just for functionality but also for style, lighting up your cockpit just the way you like it. It adds a touch of flair while enhancing usability. Pros and Cons Pros Cons Motorsport-grade paddle shifters offer incredible feedback. Weight may feel heavy for some users. Dual USB and Bluetooth connectivity for versatile use. No support for PlayStation or Xbox consoles. Ergonomics designed for comfort during long sessions. RGB lighting for customizable aesthetics. Specifications Specification Value Grip-to-grip length 320mm Max grip thickness 43mm Connectivity USB + Bluetooth Dual Mode RGB backlit buttons Customizable Paddle shifters Motorsport-grade, Mercedes-AMG GT2 spec Battery life Up to 40 hours Weight 1300g Connection cable Q-CONN magnetic system Mercedes-AMG-GT Edition Sim Racing Wheel Compatibility The Mercedes-AMG-GT Edition Sim Racing Wheel is compatible with a wide range of formula-style quick release hubs, supporting 3-bolt, 1-inch, and 70mm PCD mounts. This allows seamless integration with many sim racing setups, especially those using high-end direct drive systems. Its compatibility extends to rigs that support USB or Bluetooth connections, making it easy to fit into a variety of cockpit configurations. However, it's not compatible with lower-tier systems that rely on console controllers or budget wheelbases. For PC sim racers, this wheel works flawlessly with popular racing titles like iRacing, Assetto Corsa Competizione, and rFactor 2, offering seamless control integration. However, it’s not compatible with PlayStation or Xbox consoles, limiting its use to PC-only sim racing setups. Those looking to run on multiple platforms will need to look for alternative wheels with broader support.

    Out of stock, Pre-Orders Available. Shipped in 2-2.5 weeks from now.

    €885,00 - €954,00

  • Last stock! Moza KS Steering Wheel for Sale On SimRacerZone

    Moza Moza KS

    3 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.

    Koło kierownicy Moza KS to wszechstronne, lekkie narzędzie zaprojektowane dla poważnych simracerów, którzy pragną autentycznego połączenia z torem. Ważące zaledwie 1220 g koło w stylu GT ma smukłą konstrukcję motylkową i jest wykonane z wzmacnianych kompozytów węglowych, co zapewnia trwałość bez utraty precyzji. Magnetyczne łopatki zmiany biegów, podświetlane przyciski i podwójne sprzęgło sprawiają, że to koło oferuje płynne, intuicyjne sterowanie. Niezależnie od tego, czy pokonujesz ostre zakręty, czy dostosowujesz ustawienia w locie, Moza KS Wheel zostało stworzone, aby zapewnić pełną kontrolę w każdym zakręcie. Co wyróżnia Kierownica Moza KS? Niezwykła personalizacja przycisków Moza KS oferuje 10 podświetlanych przycisków z możliwością wyboru 8 kolorów, co daje 100 milionów możliwych kombinacji. Przezroczyste naklejki na przyciskach pozwalają na dostosowanie wyglądu koła do indywidualnych preferencji, nadając mu stylowy charakter. Podwójne sprzęgło o wszechstronnym zastosowaniu Podwójne łopatki sprzęgła pozwalają na przełączanie między trybem pojedynczym i podwójnym lub na ich programowanie jako przełącznik. Jest to doskonałe rozwiązanie dla gier takich jak iRacing i F1, pozwalające na precyzyjne starty i lepszą kontrolę w trudnych zakrętach. Lekka konstrukcja dla lepszej kontroli Przy wadze zaledwie 1220 g koło to łączy wytrzymałość z lekkością. Optymalna struktura zapewnia nie tylko niską masę, ale także lepszą kontrolę, umożliwiając szybsze reakcje i lepsze wyczucie nawierzchni toru. Materiały o wysokiej przyczepności i trwałości Uchwyty wykonane z gumy TPE zapewniają miękki, ale stabilny chwyt, co gwarantuje pełną kontrolę nawet podczas intensywnych sesji wyścigowych. Powłoka antykorozyjna dodatkowo zabezpiecza je przed zużyciem, dzięki czemu komfort użytkowania utrzymuje się przez długie godziny jazdy. Zalety i wady Zalety Wady Lekka konstrukcja dla lepszej obsługi i reakcji. Brak wbudowanego wyświetlacza do danych telemetrycznych. Podświetlane przyciski z 100 milionami kombinacji kolorów. Brak kompatybilności z konsolami PlayStation i Xbox. Podwójne łopatki sprzęgła zapewniają większe możliwości sterowania. Specyfikacja Specyfikacja Wartość Materiół uchwytu Formowana wtryskowo guma TPE Materiół łopatek zmiany biegów Stop aluminium Rozmiar Koło GT o średnicy 300 mm Magnetyczne łopatki zmiany biegów 2 Podwójne łopatki sprzęgła 2 Podświetlane przyciski 10 Pokrętła na kciuki 2 (przyciskane) Obrotowe enkodery 3 Jasne diody LED 10 Kolory LED 8 do personalizacji Waga 1220g Połączenie Kabel USB, Bezprzewodowe Kompatybilność Moza KS Kierownica Kierownica Moza KS jest w pełni kompatybilne z wszystkimi podstawami kierownic Moza, w tym z R21, R16, R9 oraz mniejszym R5 poprzez system szybkiego montażu. Może również łączyć się bezprzewodowo z tymi podstawami, co zapewnia estetyczny i łatwy w obsłudze setup. Jest także kompatybilne z podstawami innych producentów, gdy jest podłączone do PC za pomocą USB. Jednakże nie współpracuje z konsolami PlayStation i Xbox. Pod względem platform gamingowych Moza KS Kierownica jest kompatybilne wyłącznie z PC, zapewniając pełną integrację z symulatorami takimi jak iRacing, F1 2023 i Assetto Corsa. Niestety, nie obsługuje konsol, co może być ograniczeniem dla graczy spoza ekosystemu PC.

    3 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.


  • Moza Essenza SCV12 Steering Wheel for Sale at SimRacerZone

    Moza Moza ESSENZA SCV12 Steering Wheel

    Out of stock, Pre-Orders Available. Shipped in 2-2.5 weeks from now.

    Moza ESSENZA SCV12 Steering Wheel oddaje prawdziwą esencję wyścigowego dziedzictwa Lamborghini, oferując potężne i eleganckie doświadczenie jazdy dla wymagających entuzjastów symulacji. Wykonana z aluminiowego stopu obrabianego CNC oraz prawdziwego włókna węglowego, ta kierownica zapewnia luksusowe wrażenia, jak jej odpowiednik w hipersamochodzie. Jej 4,3-calowy ekran dotykowy umożliwia śledzenie telemetrii w czasie rzeczywistym, a 72 programowalne przyciski dają pełną kontrolę nad każdym aspektem wyścigu. To nie tylko akcesorium – to deklaracja wydajności i stylu dla każdego oddanego sim racera. Co wyróżnia Moza ESSENZA SCV12 Steering Wheel? Prawdziwe rzemiosło Lamborghini W przeciwieństwie do wielu kierownic symulacyjnych, Moza ESSENZA SCV12 nie tylko wygląda jak część Lamborghini – ona także tak się czuje. Panel czołowy z włókna węglowego oraz rama ze stopu aluminium zostały zaprojektowane tak, aby odzwierciedlać materiały używane w rzeczywistym SCV12, zapewniając autentyczne doznania motorsportowe. Konfigurowalny wyświetlacz i ustawienia 4,3-calowy ekran dotykowy pozwala śledzić dane na żywo jednym spojrzeniem, a w pełni personalizowalny interfejs umożliwia dostosowanie wyświetlanych informacji – od wejść pedałów, przez mapy torów, po czasy okrążeń. Dzięki 72 programowalnym wejściom masz pełną kontrolę nad każdym szczegółem. Bezprzewodowa łączność i szybka reakcja Wiele osób docenia fakt, że kierownica komunikuje się bezprzewodowo z bazami MOZA, eliminując nadmiar okablowania w konfiguracji. W połączeniu z systemem szybkiego mocowania ułatwia to zmianę kierownic w kilka sekund, zachowując jednocześnie błyskawiczną i precyzyjną reakcję. Jasne diody LED do zmiany biegów 10 diod LED o wysokiej jasności nie tylko spełnia funkcję użytkową, ale także wygląda niesamowicie. Dzięki konfigurowalnym ustawieniom kolorów można dopasować je do auta, stylu lub nastroju – dodając kolejny poziom personalizacji do swojego zestawu. Zalety i wady Zalety Wady Niezrównana jakość wykonania – włókno węglowe i aluminium. Wysoka cena dla początkujących sim racerów. Konfigurowalny 4,3-calowy ekran dotykowy z telemetrią w czasie rzeczywistym. Brak kompatybilności z konsolami PlayStation i Xbox. Bezprzewodowa łączność zapewniająca czystą konfigurację. 72 programowalne wejścia do pełnej personalizacji sterowania. Specyfikacja Specyfikacja Wartość Wymiary 310mm x 164mm x 175mm Waga 1950g Materiał panelu czołowego Włókno węglowe Materiał uchwytów Skóra zamszowa Materiał łopatek zmiany biegów Aluminiowy stop Materiał enkoderów obrotowych Aluminiowy stop Wyświetlacz 4,3-calowy ekran LCD dotykowy Rozdzielczość wyświetlacza 800×480 Diody LED do zmiany biegów 10 diod LED o wysokiej jasności Kolory diod LED 16,7 miliona kolorów Materiał systemu szybkiego mocowania Aluminiowy stop Metoda komunikacji Bezprzewodowa lub przewodowa Kompatybilność Moza ESSENZA SCV12 Steering Wheel Moza ESSENZA SCV12 Steering Wheel jest kompatybilna ze wszystkimi bazami MOZA dostępnymi na rynku, co sprawia, że doskonale pasuje do ekosystemu MOZA. Dodatkowo, dzięki zestawowi MOZA hub, może być używana z bazami innych producentów direct drive, oferując elastyczność użytkownikom, którzy posiadają sprzęt spoza systemu MOZA. Jednak nie jest kompatybilna z konsolami PlayStation ani Xbox, co oznacza, że jest przeznaczona wyłącznie dla użytkowników PC. Ta kierownica łączy się bezprzewodowo lub przewodowo z systemami PC. Jest przeznaczona dla zaawansowanych użytkowników symulatorów na PC i działa bezproblemowo z popularnymi grami wyścigowymi, takimi jak iRacing, Assetto Corsa i rFactor 2. Ze względu na swoją złożoność i szerokie możliwości personalizacji nie jest optymalna dla użytkowników konsol, jednak pełna kompatybilność z PC czyni ją doskonałym wyborem dla entuzjastów sim racingu.

    Out of stock, Pre-Orders Available. Shipped in 2-2.5 weeks from now.


  • Ascher Racing B16M Steering Wheel For Sale on Simracerzone

    Ascher Racing Ascher Racing B16M USB

    Out of stock, Pre-Orders Available. Shipped in 2-2.5 weeks from now.

    The Ascher Racing B16M USB button plate is your gateway to full control, whether you're hitting the apex or charging down a straight. Crafted from black anodized aluminum, it delivers not only durability but a sleek, rugged feel. With 8 push buttons and 2 encoders, each customizable, and magnetic paddle shifters that snap with satisfying precision, the Ascher Racing B16M USB is a dream for sim racers who demand more. Whether you're changing gears or assigning critical race functions, the tactile feedback keeps you connected lap after lap. What sets the Ascher Racing B16M USB apart? Uncompromising Build Quality Built from CNC-machined aluminum, the B16M USB is a solid piece of kit. Its housing is torsion-free, meaning it won’t flex under pressure, giving it a robust, long-lasting design. This level of durability is a rare find in the sim racing world and adds a level of confidence that this button plate can handle intense racing sessions without compromise. Magnetic Paddle Shifters The magnetic shifters deliver a sharp, mechanical feel that’s highly praised by users. You can even adjust the resistance to suit your driving style by swapping out the included magnets. Compared to spring-loaded alternatives, the response here feels more precise and tactile, giving you a clear advantage when you need quick, flawless shifts under pressure. Modular Compatibility One standout feature is how adaptable it is. The B16M USB works with many common wheel rims like MOMO, OMP, and Sparco. Its 6 x 70 mm bolt pattern and ability to mount different quick-release hubs make it a versatile option, allowing it to integrate into various setups with ease, including Simucube and Fanatec systems. Pros and Cons Pros Cons Durable aluminum construction ensures longevity. Does not include a quick-release hub. Adjustable magnetic paddle shifters provide customizable feedback. Requires longer screws for some wheelbases. Wide compatibility with multiple wheelbases and rims. Pricier compared to similar options. Specifications Specification Value Dimensions 385 × 285 × 195 mm Weight 700 g Inputs 16 (8 push buttons, 2 encoders, 2 push button guards) Paddle Shifters Magnetic, adjustable, aluminum construction Connection USB (Coiled cable with industrial Binder M16 connector) Mounting Pattern 6 x 70 mm bolt circle Finish Anodized black, brushed front plate Label Stickers 50 pcs button labels, 72 pcs encoder labels Ascher Racing B16M USB Compatibility Compatible Wheelbases Compatible Steering Wheels Simucube 1 / 2 MOMO Mod 69, Mod 78 Fanatec DD1 / DD2 (with Podium Hub) OMP 320 s Racing, GP Targa VRS Direct Force (longer screws required) SPARCO L360, R383 Accuforce, Simagic, Leo Bodnar OSW MPI-F-13-GT, Mazda MPI The Ascher Racing B16M USB is built for a wide range of wheelbases, including Simucube, Fanatec, Accuforce, and many more. Thanks to its 6 x 70 mm bolt pattern, it fits easily with a variety of quick-release hubs, making it adaptable to many different setups. However, for Fanatec DD1/DD2 users, a Podium Hub is required, and for the VRS Direct Force, you will need longer screws. It’s not compatible with heavily dished steering wheel rims, which might limit certain configurations. As for gaming platforms, the B16M USB is a PC-only device, connecting seamlessly via USB. The B16M USB is compatible with all major sim racing titles like iRacing, Assetto Corsa, and rFactor 2. If you're on console, unfortunately, this button plate won’t work unless paired with specific, third-party adapters, which may still not guarantee full functionality.

    Out of stock, Pre-Orders Available. Shipped in 2-2.5 weeks from now.


  • Ascher Racing F28 Steering Wheel For Sale on Simracerzone

    Ascher Racing Ascher Racing F28

    Out of stock, Pre-Orders Available. Shipped in 2-2.5 weeks from now.

    The Ascher Racing F28-SC V2 is a beautifully engineered sim racing wheel that balances durability and sleek design. With a solid aluminum construction and a weight of just 1 kg, this wheel is both lightweight and tough. One standout feature is the F12-SC V2's  wireless connectivity to Simucube 2 wheelbases, ensuring a clean setup without the fuss of cables. And let’s not forget the **28 customizable inputs**—including magnetic paddle shifters and two 7-way joysticks—that give you full control in the heat of a race. What sets the Ascher Racing F28-SC V2 apart? Lightweight and Durable Construction The F28-SC V2 weighs just 1 kg, thanks to its aluminum build. This weight reduction doesn't come at the cost of sturdiness, as it's designed to withstand intense racing sessions, providing a solid, no-flex feel that racers love for endurance stints. The black anodized and laser-engraved finish not only looks sharp but holds up after countless hours of use. Wireless Convenience One of the F28-SC V2's most praised features is its seamless wireless transmission to the Simucube 2 base, offering a clean, cable-free setup. The battery lasts up to 2-3 years under heavy use, meaning you won't need to worry about constant replacements, and hot-swapping wheels without reconfiguring inputs is a major convenience. Customizable Input Layout The F28-SC V2 provides a generous 28 inputs, including 12 push buttons, magnetic paddles, and two 7-way joysticks. This setup gives racers extensive flexibility in mapping controls, from brake balance to traction control adjustments. The protective button guards help avoid accidental presses during intense moments on track. Magnetic Shifter Feedback The CNC-machined magnetic paddle shifters deliver a crisp, mechanical snap that sim racers value for their feedback and durability. The included spacers and alternative magnets allow for customization, letting you adjust the shifter feel to your personal preference. Pros and Cons Pros Cons Lightweight at only 1 kg, easy to maneuver. No quick-release included in the package. Wireless transmission to Simucube 2 without input lag. Requires additional receiver for Simucube 1. 28 customizable inputs for complete control. Limited compatibility outside Simucube ecosystem. Long battery life—up to 2-3 years under heavy use. Specifications Specification Value Diameter 285 mm Weight 1000 g Material Aluminum (CNC machined) Inputs 28 (12 push buttons, 2 x 7-way joysticks, 2 paddle shifters) Wireless Transmission Simucube 2, Simucube 1 (with receiver) Battery Life 2-3 years with heavy usage Finish Black anodized, laser-engraved Ascher Racing F28-SC V2 Compatibility The Ascher Racing F28-SC V2 is primarily designed for the Simucube ecosystem, working seamlessly with the Simucube 2 wheelbases via wireless connection. For Simucube 1 users, you will need an additional receiver module to connect wirelessly. The wheel features the standard 6 x 70 mm bolt pattern, making it compatible with a variety of quick-release systems, though it doesn't include one in the package. It's also worth noting that certain wheelbases, like Fanatec, require specific adapters. In terms of platform compatibility, this wheel is primarily targeted at PC sim racers. While it works flawlessly with Simucube-connected PC systems, it's not designed for use with consoles like PlayStation or Xbox. With 28 inputs, it offers plenty of versatility for complex racing simulations like iRacing and Assetto Corsa, but is not compatible with console-exclusive titles like Gran Turismo or Forza Motorsport.

    Out of stock, Pre-Orders Available. Shipped in 2-2.5 weeks from now.


  • Ascher Racing F64 Steering Wheel For Sale on Simracerzone

    Ascher Racing Ascher Racing F64

    Out of stock, Pre-Orders Available. Shipped in 2-2.5 weeks from now.

    The Ascher Racing F64-USB V3 brings a refined feel to the wheel with its ergonomic design and reliable build. From the grippy rubber surface to the 285mm diameter, this wheel delivers a confident, comfortable grip even in the heat of competition. With a whopping 64 programmable inputs, including thumb encoders and two 7-way joysticks, the Ascher Racing F64 is perfect for fast-paced racing adjustments. The magnetic shifters and contactless clutch paddles bring the precision of real motorsport equipment to your sim racing setup, giving you control when you need it most. What sets the Ascher Racing F64-USB V3 apart? Exceptional Input Variety With 64 inputs, including 14 push buttons, rotary encoders, and thumb encoders, the F64 offers more control than most competitors. The tactile feedback from each press ensures confident adjustments on the fly, whether it's brake balance or traction control. Motorsport-Grade Magnetic Shifters The magnetic paddle shifters are a standout feature. Users report the solid snap-action as highly satisfying, making shifts feel clean and sharp. The clutch paddles offer bite-point calibration that motorsport teams trust, which isn't found in most consumer-level sim racing wheels. Ergonomic Rubber Grips The rubber grips on the F64-USB V3 are designed for long endurance races, allowing for a firm and slip-free hold even with sweaty hands. The closed shape ensures a natural hand position, reducing fatigue during those marathon sessions, making it more comfortable than other wheels with harder materials. Durability and Build Quality Built with an anodized aluminum frame and precision machining, this wheel is known for its resilience. Users appreciate the long-lasting components, which handle aggressive racing with ease. This isn’t just about style; it’s about a wheel that stays reliable even under heavy use. Pros and Cons Pros Cons 64 customizable inputs for maximum control. Expensive compared to other sim racing wheels. Magnetic shifters with satisfying snap-action feel. No quick release system included. Comfortable, ergonomic rubber grips suited for long races. Heavier than many other sim racing wheels. Specifications Specification Value Wheel Diameter 285 mm Total Inputs 64 Grip Material Rubber Paddle Material Anodized Aluminum Weight 1140 g Connectivity USB Coiled Cable Length Approx. 64 mm Ascher Racing F64-USB V3 Compatibility The Ascher Racing F64-USB V3 is built to work with a wide range of wheelbases, including Simucube 1 and 2, Accuforce, and VRS Direct Force. It's also compatible with Fanatec systems via the Podium Hub. However, note that it doesn't include a quick release system, so you’ll need to install your own compatible quick release or mounting option. The wheel’s versatile design ensures it connects seamlessly with many top-tier bases, though third-party extension kits may be required for some setups. For sim racing platforms, the F64-USB V3 connects directly to a PC, making it fully compatible with any racing simulator that supports custom inputs. Whether you're running iRacing, Assetto Corsa, or rFactor 2, this wheel allows for deep customization across any title that supports advanced racing peripherals. It’s important to note that the wheel is not compatible with consoles like PlayStation or Xbox, as it is designed strictly for PC-based simulators.

    Out of stock, Pre-Orders Available. Shipped in 2-2.5 weeks from now.


  • Ascher Racing Mclaren Artura GT4 Steering Wheel For sale on Simracerzone

    Ascher Racing Ascher Racing McLaren Artura GT4

    Out of stock, Pre-Orders Available. Shipped in 2-2.5 weeks from now.

    The Ascher Racing McLaren Artura GT4 brings a true racecar experience right to your sim setup. Built with identical components to the real McLaren Artura GT4, this 300mm steering wheel offers genuine motorsport ergonomics for a commanding grip on every turn. Its RGB-illuminated push buttons can be customized with 16 million colors and feature tactile feedback that feels satisfying with every press. With telemetry-based lighting, magnetic paddle shifters, and versatile compatibility, the Ascher Racing McLaren Artura GT4 delivers an exceptional driving experience for both competitive esports and serious sim racing enthusiasts. What sets the Ascher Racing McLaren Artura GT4 apart? Identical Components to the Real McLaren GT4 Wheel Unlike many sim racing wheels, this model uses the same components and design as the actual McLaren Artura GT4 steering wheel. Every element, from the 300mm diameter to the rubberized grips, delivers a tangible connection to motorsport, making it as close as possible to the real thing without being in the cockpit. Customizable RGB Buttons with Tactile Feedback The 10 RGB push buttons on this wheel don’t just light up—they offer endless color customization and tactile feedback. Each press is deeply satisfying, and users have praised the precise feel of the buttons, making it ideal for those who rely on quick and consistent inputs during intense racing sessions. Magnetic Paddle Shifters with Silenced Action Magnetic paddle shifters are known for their sharp snap, but Ascher Racing has enhanced this by silencing the mechanism. The shifters provide strong, direct feedback, letting you shift with confidence and without the distracting clatter, which is a common complaint among other wheels in this price range. Platform-Independent USB Connectivity The USB connection on this wheel makes it versatile and compatible with a wide range of wheelbases. Whether you're using Fanatec, Simagic, or Asetek, the wheel is designed for plug-and-play performance without needing additional adapters or complex setups. Pros and Cons Pros Cons Built with real McLaren Artura GT4 components. Limited to PC, not console compatible. Magnetic paddle shifters with a silenced mechanism. No wireless option, USB only. RGB lighting with 16 million color customization options. Works with multiple wheelbases thanks to USB compatibility. Specifications Specification Value Diameter 300mm Weight 1300g Buttons 10x RGB illuminated push buttons Rotary Switches 2x 12-position encoders Paddle Shifters Magnetic, silenced Connection USB (Cabled) Lighting Animated, telemetry-supported RGB lighting Mounting Pattern 3x 50mm bolt pattern Ascher Racing McLaren Artura GT4 Compatibility Wheelbases Compatible Models Fanatec All USB-compatible models Asetek All models Simagic All models Direct Drive Systems VRS, Accuforce, OSW Leo Bodnar All models The Ascher Racing McLaren Artura GT4 is designed with broad compatibility in mind, working seamlessly with many popular wheelbases. Thanks to its USB connection, it supports Fanatec, Simagic, Asetek, and other direct-drive systems like VRS and Accuforce. With no need for external adapters, it's essentially plug-and-play across numerous systems, so you'll be up and racing quickly. One thing to note: the wheel isn't compatible with console systems, so this is strictly for PC racers. For gaming platforms, the McLaren Artura GT4 shines in sim racing environments that allow detailed configuration, like iRacing, Assetto Corsa Competizione, and rFactor 2. The telemetry-based lighting and customizable button mapping make it an excellent choice for these platforms. However, if you're looking to race on PlayStation or Xbox, this particular model won’t work without additional adapters.

    Out of stock, Pre-Orders Available. Shipped in 2-2.5 weeks from now.


  • Ascher Racing Mclaren Artura Pro Steering Wheel For Sale On Simracerzone

    Ascher Racing Ascher Racing McLaren Artura Pro

    Out of stock, Pre-Orders Available. Shipped in 2-2.5 weeks from now.

    The Ascher Racing McLaren Artura Pro brings an exhilarating mix of motorsport engineering and sim racing functionality. Designed using real McLaren Artura GT4 components, this 300mm wheel is a serious piece of kit for any driver. With magnetic, silenced paddle shifters and fully customizable button illumination, every interaction feels smooth and deliberate. The ergonomic grips are optimized for long stints, and its compatibility with USB or Simucube wireless setups makes it versatile across platforms. A tool built for true racing enthusiasts who demand absolute control. What sets the Ascher Racing McLaren Artura Pro apart? Genuine Motorsport Components The Artura Pro isn’t just inspired by racing—it’s built with the same McLaren Artura GT4 components. Drivers get the exact ergonomics and dimensions as in the real car, providing a serious competitive edge when precision is critical. Silenced Magnetic Paddle Shifters While most wheels offer clicky paddle shifters, the silenced magnetic paddles on this model are a game-changer. They provide strong feedback with reduced noise, so you feel each shift while maintaining focus in intense racing moments. RGB Button Customization With 14 automotive-grade RGB push buttons, you can light up your wheel with 16 million colors and enjoy tactile feedback. The individually customizable lighting means you can make each button function and look exactly how you want. Unmatched Platform Independence Whether you run a USB connection or the wireless Simucube 2 system, this wheel has you covered. Its versatility across major racing ecosystems like Fanatec, Asetek, and Simagic makes it a true contender for any serious sim racing setup. Pros and Cons Pros Cons Uses actual McLaren Artura GT4 parts for authenticity. Expensive for many sim racers at over €1,000. Silenced magnetic paddles offer superb tactile feel. USB version still pending availability. Fully customizable RGB buttons with tactile feedback. No pre-included quick release mechanism. Specifications Specification Value Diameter 300mm Weight 1520g Material Automotive aluminum with brushed front plate Button count 14 RGB illuminated push buttons Connection type USB or Simucube Wireless Package contents Wheel, stickers, screws for mounting Ascher Racing McLaren Artura Pro Compatibility The Ascher Racing McLaren Artura Pro is compatible with a range of major sim racing systems. It supports Simucube 2 Sport, Pro, and Ultimate for wireless use, ensuring low latency and seamless integration. The USB version, once available, will connect to Fanatec, Asetek, Simagic, and other systems, making it versatile across various setups. It's designed for PC use, offering full button remapping and customization options for a tailored experience on these platforms. While the Ascher McLaren Artura Pro doesn’t support consoles directly, it shines on PC platforms. Popular sim titles like iRacing, Assetto Corsa Competizione, and rFactor 2 fully leverage its extensive button configuration. Be sure to double-check compatibility if using proprietary wheelbases like Fanatec’s, as they may require adapters for non-native systems.

    Out of stock, Pre-Orders Available. Shipped in 2-2.5 weeks from now.

    €1.129,00 - €1.169,00

  • Ascher Racing Mclaren artura sport steering wheel for sale on Simracerzone

    Ascher Racing Ascher Racing McLaren Artura Sport

    Out of stock, Pre-Orders Available. Shipped in 2-2.5 weeks from now.

    The Ascher Racing McLaren Artura Sport blends real-world racing with sim setups in an exhilarating way, using genuine McLaren GT4 wheel components. With its precise 300mm diameter and the same ergonomic design as the real race car, this wheel feels like you're gripping the heart of motorsport. Featuring **RGB illuminated buttons** with customizable colors, and new **silenced magnetic paddle shifters**, the Ascher Racing McLaren Artura Sport is a serious piece of kit for sim racers who demand more than just a replica—it's a racing tool built for pure performance. What sets the Ascher Racing McLaren Artura Sport apart? Genuine McLaren GT4 Components You’re not just getting a sim racing wheel; you’re gripping a wheel made from actual McLaren GT4 parts. This level of authenticity makes a tangible difference when driving, as it brings the same ergonomics and feel as a real motorsport setup. Customizable RGB Backlighting Most wheels don't give you this level of control over the look and feel of your buttons. With 16 million colors to choose from, plus tactile feedback, it's about more than just functionality—it's a visual and sensory upgrade that brings your cockpit to life. Magnetic Paddle Shifters with Silent Operation The magnetic shifters have been improved for a better feel and are now silenced. You'll notice the crisp, mechanical feedback while benefiting from the quieter operation—perfect for staying focused without the distraction of loud clicks. Superior Durability and Finish Crafted from automotive-grade aluminum, the wheel feels solid and durable. The brushed and anodized finishes not only add to the premium aesthetic but ensure the wheel withstands heavy use, keeping it looking sharp even after hours of intense racing. Pros and Cons Pros Cons Genuine McLaren GT4 parts offer real-world ergonomics. USB version is not yet available for all systems. Magnetic paddle shifters are silenced for quieter operation. Quick release system not included. RGB buttons offer custom color control with tactile feedback. Specifications Specification Value Diameter 300 mm Weight 1300 g Button Count 14 RGB illuminated buttons Joysticks 2x 7-way multifunctional joysticks Material Automotive aluminum, brushed finish Paddle Shifters Magnetic, silenced, upgradeable Connection Type USB or Wireless (Simucube) Ascher Racing McLaren Artura Sport Compatibility The Ascher Racing McLaren Artura Sport wheel is designed with compatibility in mind, making it flexible across a wide range of systems. The wireless version works seamlessly with Simucube bases like the SC2 Sport, Pro, and Ultimate, offering low latency performance. The USB version is expected to be available soon, bringing compatibility to major brands such as Fanatec, Asetek, and Simagic, making it a great option for diverse setups. For gaming platforms, the McLaren Artura Sport connects to PC-based setups via either USB or wireless, but it's not compatible with consoles like the PlayStation or Xbox. This focus on PC gaming ensures that it works with a wide range of sim racing titles, including popular options like iRacing, Assetto Corsa, and rFactor 2.

    Out of stock, Pre-Orders Available. Shipped in 2-2.5 weeks from now.

    €799,00 - €839,00

  • Ascher Racing Mclaren Artura Ultimate For Sale on Simracerzone

    Ascher Racing McLaren Artura Ultimate

    Out of stock, Pre-Orders Available. Shipped in 2-2.5 weeks from now.

    Get ready to take your sim racing setup to new heights with the Ascher Racing McLaren Artura Ultimate. Designed using genuine McLaren Artura GT4 parts, the McLaren Ultimate combines the ergonomics of a real-world race car wheel with cutting-edge sim functionality. The integrated 4” dashboard and 21 RGB LEDs provide instant feedback, keeping crucial data in your field of vision. And let’s not forget those silenced magnetic paddle shifters—offering a smooth yet firm shift action for that unbeatable connection to the virtual track. What sets the Ascher Racing McLaren Artura Ultimate apart? Real Motorsport Components This wheel isn’t just inspired by motorsport—it’s built using original parts from the McLaren Artura GT4 car. That means the feel and layout match the real deal, down to the 300mm diameter and closed design, giving sim racers the same control and ergonomics as the pros. Customizable RGB Illumination The RGB lighting goes beyond aesthetics. It offers telemetry-based feedback via the integrated 21 LED shift lights, giving drivers precise data in their peripheral vision. Plus, 14 fully customizable RGB buttons let you fine-tune everything from color to tactile response, offering an adaptable driving experience. Silenced Magnetic Shifters Paddle shifters often provide harsh clicking sounds, but not these. The Ascher Racing McLaren Artura Ultimate features silenced magnetic shifters that offer a crisp yet quieter shifting feel. Many sim racers appreciate how this improves immersion without sacrificing tactile feedback. Unparalleled Control with Multi-function Inputs The wheel is packed with over 100 input combinations—ranging from thumb encoders to 7-way joysticks. Whether you’re adjusting car settings or navigating menus, the wheel offers easy access to essential functions without taking your hands off the wheel. Pros and Cons Pros Cons Built with original McLaren GT4 components Quick release not included in the base package Customizable RGB buttons with tactile feedback Magnetic paddle feel may be too firm for some Highly compatible with USB wheelbases Integrated 4” dashboard and 21 LED shift lights Specifications Specification Value Diameter 300mm Material Automotive aluminum, rubber grips Weight 1520g Shift Lights 21x RGB LED (16 million colors) Buttons 14x RGB push buttons, laser-etched caps Rotary Encoders 2x 12-position rotary switches, 4x thumb encoders Joystick 2x 7-way multifunctional joysticks Paddle Shifters Magnetic, silenced double paddle shifters Dashboard Integrated 4” high-res screen Power Supply USB (500mA max consumption) Compatibility PC only, USB connection Ascher Racing McLaren Artura Ultimate Compatibility The Ascher Racing McLaren Artura Ultimate is designed to work seamlessly with a wide range of popular direct drive wheelbases. Whether you're using Fanatec, Simagic, or OSW, this wheel connects via USB to provide full functionality. It’s also fully compatible with Asetek and other high-end platforms, offering a versatile experience across different setups. However, it doesn’t include wireless options, so be sure to check for clearance with larger wheelbase units. With over 100 configurable inputs, the Ascher Racing McLaren Artura Ultimate shines in compatibility with PC setups, but it is not compatible with consoles. This is strictly a PC-focused device, with direct support for SimHub integration and telemetry-based lighting. Console racers, unfortunately, will have to look elsewhere for a solution compatible with PlayStation or Xbox.

    Out of stock, Pre-Orders Available. Shipped in 2-2.5 weeks from now.


  • Precision-Sim-Engineering-GT1-Wheel-for-Sale

    Precision Sim Engineering GT1 Steering Wheel

    Out of stock, Pre-Orders Available. Shipped in 2-2.5 weeks from now.

    The GT1 Steering Wheel is all about versatility and serious racing. With a 310mm Italian-made Sparco steering wheel, it’s designed for those who switch between endurance and sprint races with ease. Its full-color LCD data display delivers crucial race info at a glance, while the carbon fiber paddles and magnetic gear shifters make every shift feel sharp and reliable. Perfectly suited for sim racers who demand both functionality and build quality, this wheel has all the features you need to compete on any virtual track. What sets the GT1 Steering Wheel apart? Full-color LCD display for real-time data The GT1's LCD display is a major step up from most steering wheels. It lets you track race-critical stats such as lap times, gear info, and speed, without having to glance away from the wheel. This feature is a huge asset in endurance races where staying focused is essential. It's not just a cosmetic touch—it's a performance booster. Racing pedigree with Sparco’s craftsmanship Unlike mass-produced wheels, this one’s foundation is a Sparco steering wheel, a name trusted in real motorsports. The Italian-made base ensures a level of comfort and grip that simulates the feel of being in a professional race car. The materials used are built to handle the intensity of long races, without compromising on feel. Magnetic shifters and carbon paddles for durability Shifting with magnetic paddles on carbon fiber feels incredibly satisfying, and the durability is second to none. It gives you the mechanical feedback you need while withstanding hours of hard use. It's a step above typical wheel paddles, which can wear down or feel mushy over time. No fuss USB connection While many steering wheels demand a separate power source or adapters, the GT1 makes things simple with a straight USB connection. No additional power cables, HDMI connections, or external adapters needed. Just plug it into your computer, and you're good to go. Simplicity meets function here. Pros and Cons Pros Cons Full-color LCD display for real-time data tracking. Not compatible with PlayStation or Xbox. Solid Sparco construction for racing authenticity. Price is steep compared to entry-level wheels. Carbon fiber paddles and magnetic shifters feel great. LCD requires external software for proper functioning. USB connection means no extra power adapters needed. Specifications Specification Value Diameter 310mm Grip Material Genuine Sparco steering wheel, made in Italy Display Full-color LCD data display Buttons 8 push buttons Rotary Dials 2 rotary dials Toggle Switches 2 toggle switches Shifters Magnetic gear shifters with carbon fiber paddles USB Cable Replaceable industrial-grade coiled USB cable Connection Type USB GT1 Steering Wheel Compatibility The GT1 Steering Wheel offers a direct USB connection to both PC and Mac, eliminating the need for any extra power adapters or HDMI connections. It’s compatible with a wide range of hardware setups including Simucube SC1, Simucube SC2, SimSteering OSW, and Accuforce (although the quick release coupling isn’t included). You’ll also find it works with Fanatec Podium and CSW 2.5 systems via the Fanatec Podium Hub, though you may need to check if your existing quick release system is compatible. When it comes to gaming platforms, this wheel is built for PC racing sims. It pairs beautifully with popular titles like iRacing, Assetto Corsa, and rFactor. However, it doesn't support PlayStation or Xbox, so if you're looking for console racing, you'll need to look elsewhere. This is a wheel that truly excels in the world of PC-based simulations.

    Out of stock, Pre-Orders Available. Shipped in 2-2.5 weeks from now.


GT Steering Wheel for Sale at SimRacerZone

Ever wanted to feel like you're piloting a high-performance GT car without the pesky details of actually owning one? Well, you're in luck. At SimRacerZone, we've got a selection of GT-style steering wheels that'll have you feeling like a pro racer faster than you can say "apex."

Let's take a spin through our lineup:

Simagic GT Neo

The Simagic GT Neo is like that new student who shows up at school and immediately becomes the coolest kid in class. It's sleek, it's modern, and it's got features that'll make your old wheel jealous.

Key Features:

  • 4.3" LCD display (perfect for checking your lap times or admiring your own reflection)
  • Carbon fiber faceplate (because weight savings matter, even in sim racing)
  • 6 rotary encoders and 12 pushbuttons (enough options to confuse an actual GT3 driver)
  • Magnetic shifter paddles (for those lightning-fast gear changes)

The GT Neo isn't just a wheel; it's a statement. A statement that says, "I'm serious about sim racing, and I've got the gear to prove it."

Moza KS

The GT Neo offers a wide array of features for those who love customization, while the Moza KS provides a streamlined experience for drivers who prefer simplicity. Both wheels excel in their own right, catering to different preferences in the sim racing community.

Key Features:

  • 3.4" IPS display (because sometimes less is more)
  • Alcantara grip (for those sweaty palms during intense races)
  • 6 pushbuttons and 2 thumb encoders (all you need, without the clutter)
  • Dual clutch paddles (for those perfect race starts... or dramatic stalls if you're like us)

The Moza KS strikes a beautiful balance between functionality and simplicity. It's got everything you need to be competitive, without requiring a degree in engineering to operate.

Moza GS V2P

The Moza GS V2P is like that friend who's good at everything. It's not content with just being a great GT wheel; it wants to be the best at everything.

Key Features:

  • 5.5" IPS display (bigger is better, right?)
  • Forged carbon fiber construction (because regular carbon fiber is so last season)
  • 9 pushbuttons, 2 toggle switches, and 2 thumb encoders (enough controls to fly a spaceship)
  • Adjustable paddle system (because one-size-fits-all is for t-shirts, not racing wheels)

The GS V2P is for those who want it all. It's like the Swiss Army knife of GT wheels, but with better build quality and without the tiny, useless scissors.

Why Choose a GT Wheel?

Now, you might be wondering, "Do I really need a GT-style wheel for my sim racing?" And the answer is... well, no. You don't need one. But then again, you don't need that extra helping of dessert either, and we bet you still go for it.

A GT wheel can add a whole new dimension to your sim racing experience:

  1. Realism: there's something special about gripping a wheel that looks and feels like it belongs in a real race car.
  2. Functionality: these wheels are designed with serious racing in mind, giving you easy access to a multitude of controls without taking your hands off the wheel.
  3. Comfort: GT wheels are designed for endurance. You'll appreciate that during those long stints in your favorite endurance races.
  4. Cool Factor: let's be honest, these wheels look awesome. Your non-racing friends might not get it, but you'll know you're driving in style.

Why Choose SimRacerZone for Your GT Wheel?

Here at SimRacerZone, we're not just selling gear - we're fellow sim racing enthusiasts. We've put these wheels through their paces (tough job, we know), so when you have questions, you're talking to people who've been hands-on with the equipment.

We stock these wheels right here in our warehouse, which means faster shipping and no anxious waiting for your new toy to arrive. Plus, our customer service team actually knows the difference between slip angle and drift angle (and how to achieve both, in case you're wondering).

Brand new! The Moza Essenza SCV12 Steering wheel is developed together with Lamborghini to make a stunning GT wheel.

Ready to Upgrade Your Sim Racing Wheel?

Whether you're looking to add that final touch of realism to your rig or just want to feel like a GT3 pro in your pajamas, we've got you covered.

So, are you ready to take your sim racing to the next level? Grab one of these GT wheels, and you'll be virtually spraying champagne on the podium in no time. Just remember: unlike real GT drivers, you're responsible for cleaning up your own celebratory messes. Happy racing!

Besides GT wheels, we also have multiple Formula Steering Wheels if you want to switch from racing class.

Comparison table


Feature Simagic GT Neo Moza KS Moza GS V2P
Display 4.3" LCD 3.4" IPS 5.5" IPS
Main Body Material Carbon fiber faceplate Not specified Forged carbon fiber
Grip Material Not specified Alcantara Not specified
Push Buttons 12 6 9
Rotary Encoders 6 Not specified Not specified
Thumb Encoders Not specified 2 2
Toggle Switches Not specified Not specified 2
Shifter Paddles Magnetic Not specified Adjustable system
Clutch Paddles Not specified Dual clutch paddles Not specified
Unique Feature Carbon fiber construction Simplicity and focus Large display and adjustable paddles


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