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  • Last stock! Hamulec Ręczny Simagic TB-RS

    Simagic Hamulec Ręczny Simagic TB-RS

    5 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.

    Hamulec Ręczny Simagic TB-RS to niezbędny dodatek dla simracerów, którzy chcą wynieść swoje ustawienia wyścigowe na wyższy poziom. Dzięki hydraulicznemu systemowi ten hamulec ręczny zapewnia mocne, intuicyjne wyczucie hamowania, którego trudno dorównać. Wykonany z wytrzymałego stopu aluminium, Simagic TB-RS jest stworzony do długotrwałego użytkowania, a jego wielostopniowo regulowana dźwignia sprawia, że idealnie dopasuje się do każdego zestawu. Niezależnie od tego, czy wchodzisz w ciasny drift, czy pokonujesz etap rajdowy, ten hamulec ręczny daje Ci pełną kontrolę nad hamowaniem. Co wyróżnia Hydrauliczny Hamulec Ręczny Simagic TB-RS? Hydrauliczny system hamowania W przeciwieństwie do wielu hamulców ręcznych opartych na mechanicznych lub tensometrycznych systemach, Simagic TB-RS wykorzystuje hydraulikę, zapewniając bardziej realistyczne doznania z hamowania. Systemy hydrauliczne oferują płynniejszy opór i są wyjątkowo trwałe, sprawiając, że ten hamulec ręczny działa podobnie do tych stosowanych w rzeczywistych samochodach wyścigowych, zapewniając niezrównaną precyzję i spójność. W pełni regulowana dźwignia TB-RS to pełna personalizacja. Dźwignia może być montowana pionowo lub poziomo i oferuje cztery różne kąty regulacji, aby dopasować się do Twojego stylu jazdy. Niezależnie od tego, czy preferujesz ustawienie rajdowe, czy coś bardziej dostosowanego do driftu, możliwość regulacji hamulca ręcznego pozwala na idealne dopasowanie do Twojego komfortu i kontroli. Wykonanie ze stopu aluminium Trwałość jest kluczowa w sprzęcie simracingowym, a Simagic TB-RS dostarcza ją dzięki konstrukcji ze stopu aluminium. W porównaniu do plastikowych lub mieszanych materiałów, ten model jest solidny i odporny na intensywne użytkowanie. Jego wysokiej jakości konstrukcja sprawia, że reakcja na hamowanie jest bardziej precyzyjna i stabilna, szczególnie w najbardziej wymagających momentach na torze. Integracja z oprogramowaniem SimPro 2.0 Dołączone oprogramowanie SimPro 2.0 ułatwia konfigurację i dostosowanie ustawień hamulca ręcznego. Możesz precyzyjnie dostroić czułość hamulca oraz krzywe oporu bezpośrednio w aplikacji, dopasowując jego działanie do swoich preferencji oraz specyfiki różnych samochodów i torów. Zalety i wady Zalety Wady Hydrauliczny system zapewnia płynniejsze i bardziej naturalne wyczucie hamowania. Droższy niż większość niehydraulicznych alternatyw. Regulowana pozycja dźwigni pozwala na wszechstronne ustawienia. Kompatybilny tylko z PC, brak obsługi konsol. Konstrukcja ze stopu aluminium zapewnia długą żywotność. Łatwa personalizacja dzięki oprogramowaniu SimPro 2.0. Specyfikacja Specyfikacja Wartość Marka Simagic Model TB-RS Materiał Stop aluminium Waga 1,35 kg Kolor Czarny Połączenie USB Platforma PC Regulacja dźwigni 4 kąty, montaż poziomy i pionowy Hydrauliczny Hamulec Ręczny Simagic TB-RS Hydrauliczny Hamulec Ręczny Simagic TB-RS został zaprojektowany specjalnie dla zestawów opartych na PC, co czyni go idealnym wyborem dla simracerów, którzy szukają zaawansowanego systemu hamowania. Jego połączenie USB pozwala na bezproblemową integrację z ekosystemem Simagic, choć jest również kompatybilny z innymi markami korzystającymi z wejść USB. Jednak hamulec ten nie posiada natywnej kompatybilności z konsolami, więc jeśli ścigasz się na PlayStation lub Xbox, nie będzie działał bez adapterów lub zewnętrznych rozwiązań. Jeśli chodzi o platformy do gier, ten hamulec ręczny doskonale sprawdza się w symulatorach wyścigowych na PC, takich jak Assetto Corsa, Dirt Rally i iRacing. Nie jest kompatybilny z konsolowymi wersjami tych gier, więc jest to sprzęt przeznaczony wyłącznie dla użytkowników PC. Jeśli jesteś simracerem na PC i szukasz lepszej kontroli nad hamowaniem, TB-RS idealnie wpasuje się w Twój zestaw.

    5 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.


  • Last stock! Simagic Alpha Mini + GT Neo Bundle

    Simagic Simagic Alpha Mini + GT Neo Bundle

    4 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.

    Simagic Alpha Mini + GT Neo Bundle zapewnia ogromną moc i precyzyjne detale, podnosząc realizm Twoich wyścigów na wyższy poziom. Dzięki momentowi obrotowemu 10 Nm w Alpha Mini poczujesz surowe wrażenia z jazdy, a konstrukcja kierownicy GT Neo z włókna węglowego klasy lotniczej oferuje niezwykłą trwałość i precyzję. Zestaw zaprojektowany z myślą o łatwej personalizacji w SimPro Manager łączy elegancką, lekką budowę z maksymalną kontrolą i możliwością dostosowania do każdego stylu jazdy. Co wyróżnia Simagic Alpha Mini + GT Neo Bundle? Mocny moment obrotowy w kompaktowej konstrukcji Alpha Mini oferuje solidne 10 Nm momentu obrotowego, dostarczając imponujące sprzężenie zwrotne w kompaktowej obudowie, która nie zajmuje dużo miejsca. W porównaniu do podobnych rozwiązań, ta moc zapewnia simracerom bogatsze doznania bez konieczności używania dużego, masywnego sprzętu, idealnie nadając się dla tych, którzy chcą zwiększyć kontrolę i precyzję bez zajmowania nadmiernej przestrzeni. Zaawansowana personalizacja w SimPro Manager Intuicyjny interfejs SimPro Manager sprawia, że dostosowanie ustawień wyścigowych staje się proste zarówno dla początkujących, jak i doświadczonych kierowców. Dzięki gotowym presetom typu plug-and-play oraz szerokiej gamie opcji regulacji sprzężenia zwrotnego i czułości, oprogramowanie to daje pełną kontrolę, umożliwiając każdemu użytkownikowi dostosowanie ustawień do własnego stylu jazdy. Trwała, lekka konstrukcja kierownicy GT Neo Wykonana z włókna węglowego klasy lotniczej i ABS, kierownica GT Neo oferuje idealne połączenie wytrzymałości i lekkości. Cztery łopatki zmiany biegów oraz podwójne sprzęgło zwiększają kontrolę, a ergonomiczny design i silikonowy uchwyt zapewniają komfort nawet podczas długich sesji, czyniąc ją świetnym wyborem dla każdego stylu jazdy. Zalety i wady Zalety Wady Mocny moment obrotowy 10 Nm w kompaktowej obudowie. Ograniczona kompatybilność z urządzeniami innych firm niż Simagic. Łatwa personalizacja w SimPro Manager. Brak wsparcia dla konsol; tylko dla użytkowników PC. Wysokiej jakości materiały zapewniają trwałość. Podwójne sprzęgło może wymagać precyzyjnej konfiguracji. Komfortowy silikonowy uchwyt na GT Neo. Cena może być wysoka dla początkujących użytkowników. Specyfikacja Specyfikacja Wartość Marka Simagic Komponenty zestawu Simagic Alpha Mini + GT Neo (Podwójne sprzęgło) Moment obrotowy 10 Nm Wymiary 110 mm x 167 mm (Alpha Mini) Materiały Włókno węglowe, ABS, aluminium Łączność bezprzewodowa 2.4 GHz Prędkość obliczania sprzężenia zwrotnego 40 000 na sekundę Kompatybilność Simagic Alpha, Mini i Alpha U Kompatybilność Simagic Alpha Mini + GT Neo Bundle Simagic Alpha Mini + GT Neo jest kompatybilny z szeroką gamą urządzeń peryferyjnych Simagic, w tym sekwencyjnymi skrzyniami biegów, zestawami pedałów i hamulcami ręcznymi, co czyni go wszechstronnym wyborem do w pełni zintegrowanych stanowisk. Kierownica GT Neo o średnicy 300 mm i podwójnych łopatkach sprzęgła została zoptymalizowana pod kątem baz Simagic, ale nie obsługuje urządzeń innych producentów, co może ograniczyć elastyczność dla użytkowników posiadających sprzęt różnych marek. Jako zestaw przeznaczony wyłącznie dla użytkowników PC, Alpha Mini + GT Neo nie oferuje kompatybilności z konsolami, koncentrując się na zapewnieniu maksymalnej wydajności dla oprogramowania symulacyjnego na PC. SimPro Manager pozwala na dogłębną personalizację, dzięki czemu zestaw współpracuje z wieloma tytułami symulacyjnymi, od szybkich wyścigów torowych po rajdy i drifting. To rozwiązanie działa bezproblemowo z popularnymi symulatorami na PC, natomiast gracze konsolowi będą musieli poszukać innej opcji.

    4 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.


  • Simagic GT1 Steering Wheel R/D

    Simagic Simagic GT1 Steering Wheel R/D

    20 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.

    The Simagic GT1 Steering Wheel R/D stands out as a robust and refined addition to any racing setup. Built with aluminum magnetic shifters and dual carbon paddles, it brings both durability and fluid control to your fingertips. At 330mm in diameter, this wheel provides an ideal grip and control, whether you’re navigating hairpins or high-speed straights. A seamless wireless connection and a secure quick-release mechanism keep the focus on racing, making it a reliable and dynamic choice for serious sim racers. What sets the Simagic GT1 Steering Wheel R/D apart? Effortless Quick-Release System The GT1 R/D’s quick-release mechanism mirrors real-life racing hardware, allowing racers to swap wheels on the fly with confidence. It’s particularly appreciated by sim racers who enjoy alternating between multiple setups, as the process feels sturdy and precise without compromising on ease. Strong and Lightweight Construction Made with aluminum magnetic shifters and carbon paddles, the GT1 combines strength and a surprisingly light feel. Users love the balanced weight, which maintains a sturdy hand feel during longer sessions without causing fatigue, all while handling rapid gear shifts and adjustments with ease. Reliable Wireless Connection A stable wireless radio system within the Simagic ecosystem ensures the GT1 R/D delivers a dependable connection without the clutter of cables. Users praise the wireless performance for its lag-free experience, ideal for intense sim racing sessions, and enjoy having the USB option for alternative setups when needed. Customizable Options With variations in leather or Alcantara finish, the GT1 R/D offers users a choice for either a sleek or grippy feel, making it adaptable to different preferences. Feedback highlights the ergonomic advantage of these materials, especially for racers who like to feel securely planted in their grip. Pros and Cons Pros Cons Quick-release mechanism for easy wheel changes. Only compatible with Simagic wheelbases. Sturdy aluminum and carbon fiber materials. Limited customization beyond Simagic's ecosystem. Wireless option for a clean setup. Available in leather or Alcantara finishes. Specifications Specification Value Diameter 330mm Box Weight 4.00 kg Package Dimensions 40.00 cm x 40.00 cm x 20.00 cm Buttons 4 push buttons Toggle Switches 2 three-way switches Rotary Encoders 2 rotary encoders Shifter Type Aluminum magnetic shifters Connection Wireless and USB Simagic GT1 Steering Wheel R/D Compatibility The Simagic GT1 Steering Wheel R/D is fully compatible with all Simagic wheelbases, allowing seamless integration and smooth transitions across various Simagic setups. This wheel pairs easily within the Simagic ecosystem, thanks to its wireless connection, and provides a quick-release mechanism that racers find useful when switching between setups. The GT1’s wireless and USB duality also means it adapts to different rig configurations, though it’s limited to Simagic-specific bases, offering solid reliability within this range. For platform compatibility, the GT1 R/D is designed specifically for PC-based sim racing and shines in popular sim racing titles such as iRacing and Assetto Corsa. Due to its focus on the Simagic ecosystem, it does not support console platforms like PlayStation or Xbox, which may be a consideration for console-focused racers. The USB option, however, does provide flexibility within PC setups, keeping it versatile for software integration.

    20 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.


  • Last stock! Simagic GTC-C Steering Wheel Alcantara

    Simagic Simagic GTC-C Steering Wheel Alcantara

    5 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.

    The Simagic GTC-C Steering Wheel Alcantara is crafted specifically with GT enthusiasts in mind, combining performance with a refined touch. With ergonomic Alcantara grips that mold to your hands and a comprehensive hub packed with customizable controls, it offers versatility for racers who love an edge on the competition. Boasting a 325mm diameter and constructed from durable aluminum alloy, this wheel is as strong as it is elegant, promising racers not just control but an experience that feels second to none on the track. What sets the Simagic GTC-C Steering Wheel Alcantara apart? Multi-Function Hub Design Equipped with eight customizable RGB buttons, two multi-position rotary switches, and thumb encoders, the GTC-C is perfect for sim racers who want to command every inch of control. Racers find it invaluable to have such accessible controls that cover nearly all in-game adjustments at their fingertips without missing a beat. Durable and Lightweight Aluminum Build Constructed from premium aluminum alloy, this wheel is designed to withstand intense racing use while remaining light enough for rapid maneuverability. Users love how sturdy and long-lasting the materials feel during high-pressure moments, with the added benefit of minimized fatigue over time. Enhanced Visibility and Control The GTC-C’s design optimizes visibility, ensuring an unobstructed view of essential in-game information even with all the on-wheel controls. This makes it a favorite for GT racing enthusiasts who need clear visuals at all times, allowing for faster, more confident decisions when seconds count. Option for Dual-Clutch Paddles Offering optional dual-clutch paddles, the GTC-C gives racers an extra layer of control right from the wheel. Feedback from racers highlights the improved launch control and traction management these paddles add, making it a solid choice for those serious about achieving precise race starts. Pros and Cons Pros Cons Robust aluminum alloy and carbon fiber build. Limited to Simagic wheelbases only. Customizable RGB buttons enhance control setup. No compatibility with console platforms. Optional dual-clutch paddles for launch control. On the heavier side for some racers. Alcantara grip offers comfortable, firm handling. Alcantara may wear over time with heavy use. Specifications Specification Value Wheel Type GT Steering Wheel Diameter 325mm Net Weight 1850g Wheel Material Aluminum Alloy HUB Material Aluminum Alloy, Carbon Fiber Grip Material Alcantara Customizable RGB Buttons 8 Multi-position Rotary Switches 2 Rotary Encoders 2 Thumb Encoders 2 RGB ABS Rotary Encoder 1 RGB TC Rotary Encoder 1 Hall Paddle Module Included Quick Release Simagic Quick Release 50mm Optional Accessories Dual Clutch Paddles Included Accessories Warranty Card, Installation Kit, USB 3.0 Cable Simagic GTC-C Steering Wheel Alcantara Compatibility The Simagic GTC-C Steering Wheel Alcantara is fully compatible with Simagic wheelbases, taking advantage of the Simagic Quick Release 50mm system for a secure, easy installation. Its design integrates with the Simagic ecosystem seamlessly, while the Alcantara grips provide a sturdy feel that holds up across varied racing styles. However, compatibility is limited to Simagic bases, which might mean this wheel is best suited for racers already invested in Simagic hardware. This wheel connects easily to PC-based racing setups and is ideal for popular sim titles like iRacing, Assetto Corsa, and rFactor 2. Console compatibility isn’t an option here, as the wheel isn’t designed to work with PlayStation or Xbox platforms, keeping it focused on delivering an enhanced experience exclusively for PC users in the sim racing community.

    5 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.


  • Last stock! Simagic GTC-C Steering Wheel Leather

    Simagic Simagic GTC-C Steering Wheel Leather

    5 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.

    The Simagic GTC-C Steering Wheel Leather is crafted specifically with GT enthusiasts in mind, combining performance with a refined touch. With ergonomic Leather grips that mold to your hands and a comprehensive hub packed with customizable controls, it offers versatility for racers who love an edge on the competition. Boasting a 325mm diameter and constructed from durable aluminum alloy, this wheel is as strong as it is elegant, promising racers not just control but an experience that feels second to none on the track. What sets the Simagic GTC-C Steering Wheel Leather apart? Multi-Function Hub Design Equipped with eight customizable RGB buttons, two multi-position rotary switches, and thumb encoders, the GTC-C is perfect for sim racers who want to command every inch of control. Racers find it invaluable to have such accessible controls that cover nearly all in-game adjustments at their fingertips without missing a beat. Durable and Lightweight Aluminum Build Constructed from premium aluminum alloy, this wheel is designed to withstand intense racing use while remaining light enough for rapid maneuverability. Users love how sturdy and long-lasting the materials feel during high-pressure moments, with the added benefit of minimized fatigue over time. Enhanced Visibility and Control The GTC-C’s design optimizes visibility, ensuring an unobstructed view of essential in-game information even with all the on-wheel controls. This makes it a favorite for GT racing enthusiasts who need clear visuals at all times, allowing for faster, more confident decisions when seconds count. Option for Dual-Clutch Paddles Offering optional dual-clutch paddles, the GTC-C gives racers an extra layer of control right from the wheel. Feedback from racers highlights the improved launch control and traction management these paddles add, making it a solid choice for those serious about achieving precise race starts. Pros and Cons Pros Cons Robust aluminum alloy and carbon fiber build. On the heavier side for some racers. Customizable RGB buttons enhance control setup. Leather may wear over time with heavy use. Optional dual-clutch paddles for launch control. Leather grip offers comfortable, firm handling. Specifications Specification Value Wheel Type GT Steering Wheel Diameter 325mm Net Weight 1850g Wheel Material Aluminum Alloy HUB Material Aluminum Alloy, Carbon Fiber Grip Material Leather Customizable RGB Buttons 8 Multi-position Rotary Switches 2 Rotary Encoders 2 Thumb Encoders 2 RGB ABS Rotary Encoder 1 RGB TC Rotary Encoder 1 Hall Paddle Module Included Quick Release Simagic Quick Release 50mm Optional Accessories Dual Clutch Paddles Included Accessories Warranty Card, Installation Kit, USB 3.0 Cable Simagic GTC-C Steering Wheel Leather Compatibility The Simagic GTC-C Steering Wheel Leather is fully compatible with Simagic wheelbases, taking advantage of the Simagic Quick Release 50mm system for a secure, easy installation. Its design integrates with the Simagic ecosystem seamlessly, while the Leather grips provide a sturdy feel that holds up across varied racing styles. However, compatibility is limited to Simagic bases, which might mean this wheel is best suited for racers already invested in Simagic hardware. This wheel connects easily to PC-based racing setups and is ideal for popular sim titles like iRacing, Assetto Corsa, and rFactor 2. Console compatibility isn’t an option here, as the wheel isn’t designed to work with PlayStation or Xbox platforms, keeping it focused on delivering an enhanced experience exclusively for PC users in the sim racing community.

    5 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.


  • Last stock! Simagic GTS Steering Wheel Alcantara

    Simagic Simagic GTS Steering Wheel Alcantara

    5 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.

    The Simagic GTS Alcantara steering wheel brings a refined balance between durability and comfort, designed to excel across diverse motorsport styles. With a 300mm diameter and grippy Alcantara handles, it’s lightweight yet holds up under the demands of rally, drift, and more. Crafted from a mix of magnesium alloy and aluminum, it stands out for strength without extra heft. Packed with programmable RGB buttons, rotary encoders, and an impressive RGB LED display, this wheel is crafted for those who love customizing and maximizing control. What sets the Simagic GTS Alcantara apart? Versatile Performance Across Motorsports The Simagic GTS Alcantara's adaptable build lets you jump between rally, drifting, track, and even truck racing with ease. Sim racers find its 300mm diameter strikes an ideal balance for quick turning while retaining accuracy, making it a fan-favorite for its versatility across racing styles. Comfort-Focused Alcantara Grip Designed for extended play, the Alcantara grip reduces fatigue and strain, even during lengthy sessions. Users note that the red stitching adds not only a sporty feel but helps in maintaining a non-slip grip, making it a great pick for racers looking for comfort without compromise on control. Durable Magnesium and Aluminum Construction Crafted from a magnesium alloy and aluminum mix, this wheel combines solid strength with a lightweight feel. Sim racers appreciate this robust yet agile construction, finding it holds up to aggressive use without weighing down their setup, ensuring a long lifespan under frequent, intensive play. Easy and Precise Shifting The GTS features Simagic’s patented Hall gearbox module, praised for its crisp, fast engagement. This gearbox tech provides clear, tactile feedback on every shift, helping racers stay connected with the car’s handling, a benefit for those who demand precision and responsiveness in competitive races. Pros and Cons Pros Cons Lightweight magnesium and aluminum build. Not compatible with consoles. Comfortable Alcantara grip reduces hand strain. Alcantara requires careful upkeep. Adjustable shift paddles suit various driving styles. Customizable RGB buttons add to control flexibility. Specifications Specification Value Product Type GT Sport Steering Wheel Wheel Type Sport, Versatile Diameter 300mm Net Weight 1450g Construction Materials Magnesium Alloy, Aluminum Handle Material Leather, Red Stitching RGB Buttons 7, Programmable 7-Way Multi-position Switches 2 Rotary Encoders 2 SIMAGIC S-ray RGB Light Included HALL Paddle Module Included Quick Release Simagic QR50 Included Accessories Warranty Card, Installation Kit, USB 3.0 Cable, Button Stickers (128x) Simagic GTS Alcantara Compatibility The Simagic GTS Alcantara is built to work seamlessly with the Simagic Alpha, Alpha Mini, and Alpha U bases, using the Simagic QR50 quick release for fast and secure attachment. This proprietary connection method ensures a solid fit, providing a reliable and stable feel for each driving session. It is worth noting that this wheel is not compatible with other brands’ wheelbases, so it best suits racers who already use or are committed to the Simagic ecosystem. The GTS Alcantara is designed exclusively for PC-based sim racing setups, supporting compatibility with major sim titles like Assetto Corsa, iRacing, and rFactor 2. Unfortunately, console compatibility is not available, so the GTS remains PC-only. For sim racers who prioritize flexibility in both wheel handling and software adaptability, this setup is ideal for PC racing enthusiasts.

    5 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.


  • Last stock! Simagic GTS Steering Wheel Leather

    Simagic Simagic GTS Steering Wheel Leather

    5 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.

    The Simagic GTS Leather steering wheel brings a refined balance between durability and comfort, designed to excel across diverse motorsport styles. With a 300mm diameter and grippy Leather handles, it’s lightweight yet holds up under the demands of rally, drift, and more. Crafted from a mix of magnesium alloy and aluminum, it stands out for strength without extra heft. Packed with programmable RGB buttons, rotary encoders, and an impressive RGB LED display, this wheel is crafted for those who love customizing and maximizing control. What sets the Simagic GTS Leather apart? Versatile Performance Across Motorsports The Simagic GTS Leather's adaptable build lets you jump between rally, drifting, track, and even truck racing with ease. Sim racers find its 300mm diameter strikes an ideal balance for quick turning while retaining accuracy, making it a fan-favorite for its versatility across racing styles. Comfort-Focused Leather Grip Designed for extended play, the Leather grip reduces fatigue and strain, even during lengthy sessions. Users note that the red stitching adds not only a sporty feel but helps in maintaining a non-slip grip, making it a great pick for racers looking for comfort without compromise on control. Durable Magnesium and Aluminum Construction Crafted from a magnesium alloy and aluminum mix, this wheel combines solid strength with a lightweight feel. Sim racers appreciate this robust yet agile construction, finding it holds up to aggressive use without weighing down their setup, ensuring a long lifespan under frequent, intensive play. Easy and Precise Shifting The GTS features Simagic’s patented Hall gearbox module, praised for its crisp, fast engagement. This gearbox tech provides clear, tactile feedback on every shift, helping racers stay connected with the car’s handling, a benefit for those who demand precision and responsiveness in competitive races. Pros and Cons Pros Cons Lightweight magnesium and aluminum build. Not compatible with consoles. Comfortable Leather grip reduces hand strain. Leather requires careful upkeep. Adjustable shift paddles suit various driving styles. Customizable RGB buttons add to control flexibility. Specifications Specification Value Product Type GT Sport Steering Wheel Wheel Type Sport, Versatile Diameter 300mm Net Weight 1450g Construction Materials Magnesium Alloy, Aluminum Handle Material Leather, Red Stitching RGB Buttons 7, Programmable 7-Way Multi-position Switches 2 Rotary Encoders 2 SIMAGIC S-ray RGB Light Included HALL Paddle Module Included Quick Release Simagic QR50 Included Accessories Warranty Card, Installation Kit, USB 3.0 Cable, Button Stickers (128x) Simagic GTS Leather Compatibility The Simagic GTS Leather is built to work seamlessly with the Simagic Alpha, Alpha Mini, and Alpha U bases, using the Simagic QR50 quick release for fast and secure attachment. This proprietary connection method ensures a solid fit, providing a reliable and stable feel for each driving session. It is worth noting that this wheel is not compatible with other brands’ wheelbases, so it best suits racers who already use or are committed to the Simagic ecosystem. The GTS Leather is designed exclusively for PC-based sim racing setups, supporting compatibility with major sim titles like Assetto Corsa, iRacing, and rFactor 2. Unfortunately, console compatibility is not available, so the GTS remains PC-only. For sim racers who prioritize flexibility in both wheel handling and software adaptability, this setup is ideal for PC racing enthusiasts.

    5 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.


  • Last stock! Simagic P1000i-RS Hydraulic Pedals

    Simagic Simagic P1000i-RS Hydraulic Pedals

    5 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.

    The Simagic P1000i-RS Hydraulic Inverted Pedals offer an incredibly refined design for sim racers, focusing on modularity and advanced hydraulics. Built with a CNC-machined aluminum frame, the P1000i-RS pairs robust durability with the adaptability sim racers crave. It’s equipped with a P-HYS hydraulic brake system and the optional P-HPR Haptic Pedal Reactor for an authentic vehicle feedback experience, while easy angle, travel, and strength adjustments allow a personalized setup tailored to the racer's needs—all within a sleek, inverted pedal package. What sets the Simagic P1000i-RS Hydraulic Inverted Pedals apart? Hydraulic Brake System with Adjustable Damping The P-HYS hydraulic brake system delivers fluid resistance that closely mimics real-world braking, providing a more natural deceleration feel. Combined with adjustable damping and rebound, this pedal set offers a level of control not found in simpler mechanical setups, enhancing the simulation experience for dedicated sim racers. Optional Haptic Feedback Motor The P1000i-RS offers the unique option of the P-HPR Haptic Pedal Reactor, a feature that adds tactile feedback tuned to in-game telemetry. This gives drivers a more tactile connection with the virtual road, enabling adjustments to vibration frequency and amplitude that simulate vehicle dynamics, making for a highly engaging experience. Quick Installation and Modular Adjustability These pedals come with a modular installation plate and wiring box that simplify mounting and profile setup, a convenience not typically seen in comparable pedal systems. With the pedal angle, travel, and even lateral spacing all customizable, it’s easy to adjust for comfort and fit, enhancing both performance and ease of use. Durable CNC Aluminum Construction The all-aluminum structure, meticulously crafted through CNC machining, has been tested to withstand over 200,000 stomps without structural issues. This robust construction ensures the pedals hold up under high-use conditions, making them a favorite for racers looking for a setup that lasts. Pros and Cons Pros Cons Hydraulic brake system with adjustable damping. Not console compatible. Optional haptic feedback for immersive experience. Relatively high price for the set. Modular, simplified installation process. May require additional mounting hardware. Durable aluminum construction for longevity. Heavy unit, may need solid rig setup. Specifications Specification Value Model Simagic P1000i-RS Hydraulic Inverted Pedals Package Dimensions 35.00cm x 50.00cm x 38.00cm Weight 7.60kg Resolution 12Bits (4096) USB Connection PC, Simagic Wheelbase (Can-Bus Port) Hydraulic Brake Cylinder Included Haptic Pedal Reactor Supported (optional) Adjustable Travel Supported Adjustable Spring Force Level Supported Angle/Position Adjustment Supported Pedal Plates Anodized Aluminum Alloy Pedal Control Box Included Building Material CNC Aluminum Alloy Dimensions 348 x 489.8 x 368.5mm Simagic P1000i-RS Hydraulic Inverted Pedals Compatibility The Simagic P1000i-RS Hydraulic Inverted Pedals are fully compatible with PC setups, connecting directly via USB or through the Simagic wheelbase. These pedals also pair well with Simagic’s own line of wheelbases and mounts, ensuring ease of integration for those using Simagic gear. Notably, this pedal system is designed with PC platforms in mind, meaning it does not support console setups, focusing instead on the flexibility that PC gaming offers. In terms of gaming titles, these pedals perform exceptionally well with popular PC racing sims like Assetto Corsa, iRacing, and rFactor 2. With Simagic's software allowing for adjustments to brake force, pedal travel, and telemetry-based haptics, they are tuned to enhance each game’s feedback. Console users may be disappointed by the lack of compatibility, as these pedals are specifically built with the PC sim racer in mind.

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  • Last stock! Simagic P2000-S100 Pedals

    Simagic Simagic P2000-S100 Pedals

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    The Simagic P2000-S100 Pedals are designed for sim racers who want the feel of hydraulic power at their feet. Constructed from CNC machined aluminum, this pedal set integrates a load cell sensor and custom hydraulic brake system rated up to 200 kg, putting real muscle into braking. With fine-tuning options on pedal angle, position, and even clutch friction, the P2000-S100 offers control over every detail, giving serious racers a setup that pushes driving consistency to a whole new level. What sets the Simagic P2000-S100 Pedals apart? Custom Hydraulic Brake System Equipped with a fully hydraulic brake, the P2000-S100 mirrors real car brake resistance, pushing up to 200 kg with customizable stiffness. This brake design, alongside a load cell sensor, gives racers powerful, reliable braking feedback, ideal for those demanding accuracy and feel under braking pressure. Durable CNC Machined Aluminum Build Every component on the P2000-S100 is CNC machined from aluminum, giving it a rugged construction that sim racers often seek for durability. This design not only withstands heavy use but also minimizes flexing, allowing for more consistent pedal feedback over time—a huge plus for competitive racers. Extensive Adjustment and Customization Options Adjustability is key with the P2000-S100, which offers pedal height, angle, and stiffness adjustments for a custom setup that suits any racer’s preference. The clutch system’s Belleville spring stack simulates a clutch friction point, adding an additional layer of realism often missing from pedal systems. Plug-and-Play USB Compatibility No complex setups here—the P2000-S100 is ready to go right out of the box with simple USB plug-and-play functionality, which works seamlessly with Simagic’s configuration software. It’s made with PC users in mind, eliminating compatibility issues and making setup straightforward for any PC-based sim racer. Pros and Cons Pros Cons Hydraulic brake with customizable stiffness. May require additional mounting hardware. Durable CNC machined aluminum construction. Heavy unit, requires stable mounting. Adjustable clutch friction point simulation. Plug-and-play setup with Simagic software. Specifications Specification Value Model Simagic P2000-S100 3 Pedals Package Dimensions 47.00cm x 40.00cm x 20.00cm Weight 9.00kg Hydraulic System Hydraulic brake with adjustable clutch Brake Pressure 200 kg (adjustable) Pedal Position/Angle Adjustment Supported Material CNC machined aluminum Connection Type USB, plug-and-play Load Cell 100 kg (200 kg optional) Included Accessories Hard/soft spring kit, base plate Platform Compatibility PC only Simagic P2000-S100 Pedals Compatibility The Simagic P2000-S100 Pedals are fully compatible with PC platforms via USB and are designed specifically for PC-based sim racing setups. These pedals plug and play easily with Simagic’s configuration software, allowing for a straightforward connection. While ideal for those using PC-based rigs, the P2000-S100 does not support console setups, which keeps it focused solely on the PC sim racing community. For in-game compatibility, these pedals are versatile across popular PC racing titles like Assetto Corsa Competizione, iRacing, and rFactor 2. With Simagic’s software, racers can adjust force levels, brake pressure, and even clutch friction points. Console racers, however, may be disappointed as these pedals are crafted with PC racers in mind, leaving consoles unsupported.

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  • Last stock! Simagic P2000-S100RF Pedals

    Simagic Simagic P2000-S100RF Pedals

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    The Simagic P2000-S100RF Pedals bring a focused two-pedal setup that packs serious technology and tactile feedback. Built with CNC machined aluminum and incorporating a hydraulic master and slave cylinder, these pedals offer a unique edge with a load cell rated to 100 kg, upgradeable to 200 kg for even more control. With adjustability in position and angle, and an exceptionally durable build, the P2000-S100RF pedals give drivers a braking experience designed to perform lap after lap without losing their edge. What sets the Simagic P2000-S100RF Pedals apart? Hydraulic Brake System with High Load Capacity The hydraulic brake setup on the P2000-S100RF provides a brake force adjustable up to 200 kg, replicating high-force braking systems seen in racing setups. This setup supports racers who want fine-tuned control under pressure and need a brake pedal that can meet the demands of intense sim sessions. Rigidity of CNC Machined Aluminum Construction Designed from CNC machined aluminum, the P2000-S100RF pedals boast structural stability that stands up to heavy footwork and doesn’t flex under pressure. This rigid construction means drivers get a consistent feedback feel that holds up over extended use—essential for racers focusing on performance consistency. Load Cell for Precise Input The load cell integrated into these pedals offers fine-grain braking control, letting drivers make micro-adjustments that reflect instantly in their simulator. This type of sensor setup provides more nuanced braking feedback, helping racers shave down times with a setup that rewards controlled, precise input. Plug-and-Play USB Setup No complicated configuration here—the P2000-S100RF pedals are ready to go right out of the box with straightforward USB connectivity. With a setup built for the Simagic software suite, these pedals eliminate the usual driver complications and allow for hassle-free, configurable sim racing. Pros and Cons Pros Cons Durable CNC aluminum construction. Not compatible with console setups without the Sigma Cortex Adjustable brake load up to 200 kg. Higher-end price point. Plug-and-play USB connection. No dedicated clutch pedal. Includes base plate for stability. Specifications Specification Value Model Simagic P2000-S100RF 2 Pedals Package Dimensions 47.00cm x 40.00cm x 20.00cm Weight 7.00kg Brake Pressure 200 kg (adjustable) Load Cell 100 kg (200 kg optional) Material CNC machined aluminum Connection Type USB, plug-and-play Base Plate Included Platform Compatibility PC only Simagic P2000-S100RF Pedals Compatibility The Simagic P2000-S100RF Pedals are designed specifically for PC platforms and connect via USB, offering straightforward plug-and-play capability. With USB functionality and Simagic’s configuration software, these pedals are ready to work with most PC-based sim racing rigs right out of the box. However, the P2000-S100RF lacks compatibility with console systems, as it’s focused solely on providing an optimized experience for PC racers. In terms of in-game compatibility, these pedals are ideal for widely-used PC sim titles like Assetto Corsa Competizione, iRacing, and rFactor 2. Integrated with Simagic’s software, drivers have access to easy-to-use adjustment options for force and load levels. Gamers who primarily race on consoles, however, will find these pedals unsupported on console games, keeping the P2000-S100RF focused solely on PC-based racing setups. With the Sigma Cortex you can convert the pedals to PS5.

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  • Last stock! Simagic DS-8X H/SQ

    Simagic Simagic DS-8X H/SQ

    5 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.

    5 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.


  • Last stock! Simagic P-325C Leather

    Simagic Simagic P-325C Leather

    5 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.

    5 in stock Shipped in 1-3 business days.



Simagic is one of the rising stars to take on the sim racing world. The beautiful exterior combined with innovative technology makes Simagic a solid choice. If you take the affordability of this brand in mind, it almost becomes a no-brainer. You can buy Simagic products fast and securely at SimRacerZone.  

About the brand

Simagic is a leading brand in the sim racing world, renowned for its high-performance, direct drive racing hardware. Simagic offers a professional-grade racing experience at an accessible price. From powerful force feedback wheelbases to customizable pedals and shifters, their products are designed for maximum performance and realism. Simagic is quickly become a favorite among both enthusiasts and competitive racers looking to level up their sim racing setups.

Simagic Alpha Mini

The Simagic Alpha Mini direct drive wheelbase is the flagship product of Simagic. It’s an affordable and sophisticated direct drive system with 5-pole servo motors. It delivers a clean 10Nm maximum torque. Buy the Simagic Alpha Mini with free shipping in EU at SimRacerZone. Looking for something stronger? You can also check out the Simagic Alpha or Simagic Alpha Ultimate.

Simagic GT Neo

The latest sim-racing GT wheel by Simagic, the Simagic GT Neo is a beautiful wheel with solid grip and handy buttons. This wheel will help you to dominate. You can buy the Simagic GT Neo with fast shipping at SimRacerZone. Looking for a more affordable wheel? The Simagic GT is the more down to earth version. Do you prefer formula wheels? Try out the Simagic FX Pro.

Simagic P1000

Looking for paddles to instantly increase your performance? Look no further! The Simagic P1000 paddles are powered by a high accuracy sensor. The loadcell sensor of 100 KG will give you the accuracy you need to brake later and hit the throttle faster. Buy the Simagic P1000 at SimRacerZone for the best prices.

NEW! Simagic P500

Exciting news! SimRacerZone has the brand new and affordable Simagic P500. These pedals are great for beginners and won't break your bank. You can get them in a 2 or 3 pedal variant.

Other products

Besides the direct drive systems, sim racing wheels, and pedals, you can also buy other sim racing hardware like:

·         Simagic Q1 sequential shifter

·         Simagic TB-1 handbrake

·         Simagic TB-RS

Frequently Asked Questions

In this section, we will answer frequently asked questions about Simagic and its products.

Does Simagic work on PS5?

They can work on PS5, but they are not designed for PS5. Some people use third-party adapters to use Simagic on PS5. However, we are not a fan of this because Simagic is primarily designed for PC. Forcing it to work with a PS5 will lead to a poor experience.

Is the Simagic fx pro simhub compatible?

Yes, Simagic FX Pro is compatible with SimHub. It does often require a bit of configuration, but you can find very good tutorials on YouTube.

Is Simagic better than Fanatec?

Simagic is better than Fanatec in our opinion because of the pricing difference. Both manufacturers deliver high-quality sim racing hardware, but Fanatec’s pricing is more expensive. Simagic offers more value for money.

Are Moza and Simagic wheels interchangeable?

No, Moza and Simagic wheels are not interchangeable as they use different connection systems to release or secure the sim racing wheel.

Other brands you might find interesting

·         Moza

·         TREQ

·         Precision Sim Engineering


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